NESCAC Athletic Offer

We haven’t heard back re pre-reads from any NESCACs yet (we did receive results from two non-NESCAC schools earlier this week).

I will post updates and definitely appreciate others doing the same (and am very grateful for the information and advice that those who have already been through the process have shared).


Thank you all for sharing your info! My Class of 22 soccer player submitted info for seven pre-reads today, July 1, two of them are NESCACs. The rest are similar in selectivity and one (non NESCAC) has told us it will be about a two-week process.
I will post updates as we go.

Related question: a few of the schools have asked whether we would apply for financial aid. We don’t know the answer to this, except that we don’t believe we will qualify to receive much if any aid. Is there an advantage or disadvantage to saying no in the pre-read process?

Many believe it is an advantage in recruiting at some schools to be full pay…most of us only have personal anecdotes, there is no hard data.

With that said, if a family does need financial aid they should be upfront with the coach about that, as it makes no sense to accept a recruiting slot if the school is unaffordable without financial aid.

As mentioned upthread, some schools will also do financial aid pre-reads for those who clear the academic pre-read…so if that opportunity exists, definitely ask. At the very least, recruits should run each school’s NPC to get a cost estimate.


At a parent info session for Bates Men’s soccer, the coach said financial aid status is something he factors in. Specifically, he said " If I take a full pay kid, it means I can take 2 that need financial aid."


We did not hear back from coaches until after the summer camps finished (Julyish) in non-pandemic years. In our cases, we heard back within 1 to 2 weeks after the camps with invitations for visits. I do think unless your kid already has a big reputation (awards, stats, etc…), coaches will want to see them live before ranking them top of their list.

As for FA, at several camps the coaches asked if we would need FA. I told them we would be full pay, and their comment was that would make their life easier. There is then no uncertainty for them if a recruit can attend if admitted.

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Supported slot, admissions experience are reasonable questions.

Admissions support=commitment to ED application. ED application is effectively the D3 NLI.

Nothing in writing from any coach about the offer/support.

“Committed to the admissions process” is the typical announcement by club/hs teams. Athletes shouldn’t do this. D1/D2s will watch the announcements that come on July 1 and the days after. Some forums are already commenting on announcements made just hours ago. Especially the D1 decomits who go NESCAC.

The higher one is on a coach’s list, the sooner the call. Top 1-2 recruits will get calls around noon on July 1 if not a little before.

NESCAC coaches like full pay athletes for all the reasons previously noted.

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Still no news :cry:…Sport is a niche, minority one so trying to persuade ourselves that it’s at the back of the pre-read stack….and that maybe the whole process taking longer without test scores…but wonder if I’m just kidding myself…

As I recall, I read on CC that it is common for the earliest prereads to take a week or two.


I agree the wait can take awhile. Did your coach predict the likely outcome of the pre-read? Many coaches can accurately predict pre-read results, and at many schools the vast majority of pre-reads are positive.

But, the number of pre-reads are generally higher than the number of slots….that’s the next big cut which can take a long time for coaches to sort thru, especially if they still need to see athletes play in-person.

I would wait two weeks and have your prospect reach out to the coach and ask the status/results of the pre-read. From there it’s also appropriate to ask about the timing of the rest of the process.


Thank you for the re-assurance…the 2 NESCAC coaches had been very positive…including one suggesting he would be back to us on July 1st. The Ivies were more restrained - 1 wants to recruit her but doesn’t know if he can get her through admissions and the other thinks she’ll get through admissions but isn’t yet ready to commit to a slot….all very stressful and I can see how it would be easy to take the first offer through…

No doubt it’s a stressful process! You should be prepared that the NESCACs will move before the Ivies, and the timing may be an issue with one (or more) coaches requiring an answer before the athlete is likely to hear from another school. Do you know if the Ivy coaches are intending to offer OVs to X number of recruits?

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I really don’t. I’m not even sure how many slots each coach has. I think it used to be 2-3 on average but lots of athletes took last year out because of the eligibility changes…so it almost feels like the coaches don’t know for sure how many slots they have. Possibly because it’s a small, low importance sport…they get what’s left maybe?!

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Pretty sure the Ivy coaches know how many slots they have. The question for them, especially if they have a low number of slots to begin with, is to balance their AI target with their athletic need. A niche sport is also likely to have a higher AI target than say lacrosse or ice hockey. They are all looking for the 4.0/1500 impact player, but what they are mostly sorting through are very high AI students with good athletic skills and superior athletes with qualifying but lower AI’s. Same holds true for the academic D3’s, although they are likely dealing with balancing bands. Now throw in the complications of existing athletes who have taken a gap year/semester and how the rosters will look and if the coach has budget or facility restraints on roster size.

Say my child gets an offer from a NESCAC school this summer with a short decision timeline. Is it reasonable hold on making a decision until a visit can happen in September when students are back? My child would want to see the school’s true vibe with student’s around, potentially take a class, etc. I’m not sure what will be permitted this Fall either, though.

It will be up to the coach if he will “hold” the spot to allow for a visit in the Fall. When/if the offer comes, that will be the time to understand the timeline from the coach.


I wouldn’t expect so. Of course it depends on the coach, and your particular situation (as always).

The coach’s timeline is the coach’s timeline, and they drive the timing, not athletes. If your daughter decides in September that she doesn’t want to attend that school, the coach will probably have missed out on many of the recruits below your daughter on his list, as they will have accepted offers elsewhere. The coach does not want to be in this situation.


Youngest child got “likely to be admitted” from an excellent D3 school for men’s lacrosse. It took a week for this “pre-read” decision from Admissions. Head coach saw him at a early June showcase. Assistant Coach led my son through the “pre-read.” This is not a written contract: child agrees to apply early. In the uncertain college admissions process, this pre-read can be a gift for many student-athletes: excellent education playing the sport they love.


When my son would not commit to apply early after the positive pre-read, coach told him he must find another student-athlete. My son understood. Coach was frank. Club Director told boys that July is a critical recruiting time for coaches. Cannot say enough positive things about coaches calling my child during Covid lockdowns.


@Paso2424 - do you have any updates for us?

Cjkid (22) received an offer from a NESCAC coach in June, before their transcript was sent to admissions. Coach told my kid that every player they’ve supported, with a positive pre-read, had been granted admission (could be school/sport specific). Transcripts were sent to admissions in the first week in July and about two weeks later we were told it was a positive pre-read. My child was not given a timeline to make a decision but hopes to decide between that school and some D1 options in the next few weeks.

Godspeed to all '22’s and their parents - I truly believe '22’s are in the worst spot recruiting-wise.


So if anyone else has been tearing their hair out over the last few weeks…my daughter got her first offer (from a top NESCAC) yesterday…so they can come this late…. She coincidentally also had a call scheduled with an Ivy coach who said she had passed the pre-read and he would get back to her before the NESCAC deadline (3 weeks).

24 hours ago we still had no idea whether she had passed the pre-reads…and she still hasn’t heard from the one coach who said they should speak on July 1st…I think with niche sports the whole process can just take longer….