<p>Wyvern</a> Screen Shots</p>
<p>Wyvern</a> Screen Shots</p>
<p>coooooooool. do you ever play MUD? idk, my brothers used to be obsessed with MUD in like the mid to late nineties.</p>
<p>I've thought about doing MUD. But I was too young to appreciate MUD at its heyday so I moved into the stupid commercial games instead (although Maxis SIM games weren't so lame). Meh I don't know. I'm trying to find a good computer game but I end up getting bored over all of them in minutes</p>
<p>try MUD!! i'm not interested in those types of games but MUD seems really nostalgic for some reason</p>
I'm trying to find a good computer game but I end up getting bored over all of them in minutes
<p>That's hard to believe. Try the Elder Scrolls series: The</a> Elder Scrolls - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia</p>
<p>Or the GTA series:
GTA</a> - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia</p>
<p>Or the Pokemon series:
Pokémon</a> video game series - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia</p>
<p>Or the Myst series:
Myst</a> - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia</p>
<p>Highly addictive all.</p>
<p>I've actually tried all of them. But I've lost my attention span over all of them. :p</p>
<p>Except Pokemon. That seemed to have a friendlier learning curve so I ended up getting addicted quickly.</p>
<p>The problem is that I also tend to suck at computer games (compared to most people) so I need a game that doesn't require much skill to play.</p>
<p>Where's fizix?</p>
I'm trying to find a good computer game but I end up getting bored over all of them in minutes
<p>sigh. you're trying to fill a void in your life, aren't you. you need something to get addicted to or you'll have nothing left.</p>
<p>p.s. no mmorpg will ever come close to the awesomeness that is nethack.</p>
sigh. you're trying to fill a void in your life, aren't you.
<p>probably so.. =/ I can't bear the thought of studying math textbooks (and only doing that) for the next few years. But I guess I actually enjoy socializing over video games (but not ones like WoW)</p>
<p>(but I'm actually trying to look for open source games, which would actually have a greater chance of letting me do something that I won't lose when I exit the game [unlike most commercial games. this is precisely why I quickly lose patience with commercial ones nowadays]).</p>
<p><a href="but%20I'm%20actually%20trying%20to%20look%20for%20open%20source%20games,%20which%20would%20actually%20have%20a%20greater%20chance%20of%20letting%20me%20do%20something%20that%20I%20won't%20lose%20when%20I%20exit%20the%20game%20%5Bunlike%20most%20commercial%20games.%20this%20is%20precisely%20why%20I%20quickly%20lose%20patience%20with%20commercial%20ones%20nowadays%5D">quote</a>.
<p>Some awesome open source games are:
The</a> GLtron Homepage
BZFlag</a> - home
Wolfire</a> Software - Black Shades
Battle</a> for Wesnoth</p>
<p>It's may not be open source, but I just got back into [url=<a href="http://www.spiderwebsoftware.com/nethergateres/index.html%5DNethergate%5B/url">http://www.spiderwebsoftware.com/nethergateres/index.html]Nethergate[/url</a>] the other day...</p>
<p>Yeah. The game's like liquid crack. Thanks to it, I've been wasting my time this vacation doing nothing but playing this ***<em>ing game when I *should</em> be studying for APs.</p>