<p>my boss just told me yesterday (he attends a grad program at simmons) that northeastern is just a 'big school full of dumb jocks'. he also said one of his friends who teaches there confirmed this. (sorry if this is offending anyone).</p>
<p>does anyone have any experience with northeastern u.? is it reall just a 'dumb jock' school...?</p>
<p>My child is in the honors program at NEU. He does not have that experience. When your boss was an undergrad, NEU had a reputation like that and was very much a commuter school. In the past five years that has changed.<br>
Saying any school is a big school full of dumb jocks is a somewhat ridiculous generalization. Of course there are dumb jocks at NEU and there are dumb jocks at (gasp) Dartmouth and even (gasp) Harvard.<br>
Why don’t you visit NEU and check it out for yourself?</p>
<p>It’s got a bit of a blue-collar rep, but is a very, very solid engineering/CS school, and well-respected in metro Boston. The senior VP (2nd-in-command) of the company I work for is a NEU alum. I’m applying there for my MS degree.</p>
<p>Within the past five years or so at least six students from our local, Upstate NY high school have gone to Northeastern. None fit the stereotype of a “dumb jock” and I have never heard any of them describe a significant percentage of their classmates that way. While some of them played varsity sports in high school in an enthusiastic manner, none continued with their sport on the college level. Most went into engineering or computer science. The coop program also had an appeal to the kids who chose Northeastern, which in some cases made NE a more affordable option to a quality education.</p>
<p>Agree with others who are saying NE’s reputations has shot way up in recent years. As a MA native, I only associated NE with coop program – but didn’t think it was much of anything as a school. Visited during the summer with S who is interested in computer science. Boy was I impressed! Lots of new buildings, and a really nice, contained campus – all in the heart of Boston.</p>
<p>my daughter is a current Bouve freshman and she is challenged academically there.
She does feel the difference between herself and her roommate , who is a business major with a much less demanding work load, but I don’t think she has had too many run-ins with " dumb jocks" ( at least not from Northeastern )
She loves it there !</p>
<p>Go for a visit and see for yourself, as previous posters have said.</p>
<p>Well, not so much dumb jocks… but there’s absolutely a population of pretty dumb kids here. Especially in the less intense majors like criminal justice or psychology.</p>
<p>But, in the more competitive majors, the “dumb jocks” are quickly being weeded out. I co-op in biotech, and did some interviews with major hospitals and harvard-affiliated labs. I also have friends in business working for pretty incredible companies. From my experience, employers around Boston have a very good impression of NEU students and have been happy with the work their co-op students do.</p>