Neuroscience & Greek classics; Northwestern v WashU v Duke v UCB

<p>I got accepted to these schools and i have NO idea which school I want to go to.
All four are great schools.
I will major in neuroscience and possibly double major/minor in Greek classical studies.
I will also be on the premed track.
Please help me out.</p>

<p>It’s win/win/win/win for you.
Go with the school where you like the atmosphere the best.<br>
There is no question that the neuroscience program at WashU is great, and I think they’ve got some great faculty in classics.
Duke and NU are just great schools altogether.<br>
Depending upon what you like, any of these three schools could be heaven.
UCB would be my last choice, but my knowledge is purely anecdotal hearsay.
Have you visited all three? Can you get it down to two and go visit or re-visit before you have to decide?</p>

<p>I am going to visit WashU in 1.5 weeks,
and I am not sure If I can visit Northwestern because Wildcat days are all full.
I have already visited Berkeley because I’m a CA resident.
I should visit Northwestern though. Maybe I’ll show up randomly over Spring Break.</p>

<p>I guess the main thing is that Berkeley is really, really, really cheap for in-state residents,
WashU I heard has a beautiful campus and is renowned for pre-med. plus I got into its PNP program.
and Northwestern–it’s 20 min from Chicago and it is obviously very prestigious. I like its quarter system too, which will help me double major/minor in Classics.</p>

<p>It’s such a hard choice :frowning:
Thank you for your comment WCASParent :)</p>


<p>Berkeley is very strong in both neuroscience and classics, as is Duke to a lesser extent. Northwestern and WUStL are more uneven. Northwestern is strong in classics but less strong in neuroscience, while WUStL is very strong in neuroscience but fairly weak in classics.</p>


<p>You could probably visit the school separate from Wildcat Days. We are visiting my freshman D this week and my S – who is a HS sophomore – is taking all the tours etc. I can’t help you other than to say that my D LOVES LOVES LOVES NU!!! You should definately visit</p>

<p>I visited all the schools, and I have to say I don’t think Duke is a fit for me. …I cut down one school at least.</p>

<p>The main issue comes down to financial aid. I prefer NU or Washu over berkeley, but berkeley costs 1/2 as much as the other two (because im an instate)
I turned in my financial aid appeal to NU but I’m sure they won’t give me that much. Washu gave me $10 k in scholarship & 6k in loans. sigh.</p>

<p>anyone else?