Never Have I Ever

You mean ping, No ping means you never did it.


NHIE sledded.

No ping.

NHIE eaten cafeteria lunch.

Ping. I don’t miss cafeteria lunch at all, but I did kind of like the little milk cartons and free ice cream :slight_smile:

NHIE watched anime.

Ping…I’m an anime loving dweeb…

NHIE watched breaking bad.

No ping.

NHIE got my phone confiscated in school.

No Ping

NHIE watched American Horror Story.

No ping.

NHIE drank Bai.

I’ve got no clue what that is, so I’ll assume no ping.

NHIE played in a band.

Ping, if school band counts.

NHIE sang in a chorus (other than the elementary school music concert things)

Ping, I have.

NHIE eaten hummus.


NHIE played ice hockey.

No ping.

NHIE been homeschooled.

No ping.

NHIE gone to Wyoming.

No ping.

NHIE broken a bone. Knocks on wood

Ping, my arm (I scootered down a steep hill like a maniac and flipped over. :P)

NHIE hurt my left arm or left leg. (For some reason, I broke my right arm and sprained my right ankle, but nothing happens on my left side. Hmmmmm… B-) )

No ping
NHIE been to South America
-insert the UP quotation"Its like America but south"-

No Ping.

Never have I ever watched a rated R movie


NHIE watched The Exorcist.

No ping.

NHIE watched Twilight.


Never have I ever watched all 7 harry potter movies in 1 day.