Never Have I Ever

No ping.

NHIE cracked my phone.

No ping!


LOL no ping! Have fun.

NHIE visited a BS.

NHIE been to another continent (besides n. America)


NHIE used anything other than treadmills at the gym


NHIE rowed in a racing shell.

No ping.

NHIE used a drag suit in the pool.

No Ping!

NHIE been in first class on an airplane.


NHIE camped overnight at the woods.

Not really the woods, but yes at a campground.

NHIE ridden with training wheels.

No Ping.

NHIE worn a bow tie, although I want to get one for school next year.

Ping. A black one for a violin concert.

NHIE worn a tie/bow tie to class.

No ping…

NHIE owned an apple product.

Ping. (I have a bunch of apple products)

NHIE been scratched by a domestic animal.

No ping.

NHIE been bit by an animal.


NHIE been in a Porsche.

Ping, my dad has one.

NHIE been in a Maserati.

No ping.

NHIE accidentally walked into the wrong gender’s bathroom.

Ping! I have this really embarrassing story. When I was in first grade (and a new kid at my school), I walked in to the female teacher’s bathroom. Then, a female teacher walked in, saw me, and screamed. The janitor had to come escort me out and show me the guys’ bathroom. It was really embarrassing. I’m glad it was in first grade, when that’s “acceptable.” :stuck_out_tongue: Now I just laugh about it. :smiley:

NHIE drank Red Bull.

Ping… Well I tried it anyways. Thought it tasted disgusting.

NHIE snowboarding (I’m a skier)