Never Have I Ever


NHIE went to the Grand Canyon.

No ping, although I want to go.

NHIE had an Instagram.

Ping. I still have one, as a matter of fact.

NHIE broken a bone.

Ping. I was scootering down a hill full speed and I flipped over a tree root. I ended up breaking my arm. Those days when I was a reckless second grader… 8-|

NHIE applied to boarding school before.

Ping - sort of. Does it count if I’m applying right now?

NHIE been to Europe

Ping - It was a stopover on our flight to India, in Paris. The view outside was beautiful!

NHIE been to Chik-fil-a.

No ping.

NHIE been to Alaska.

No ping.

NHIE visited a boarding school.

No ping.

NHIE missed a day of school this year.

Ping (for school interviews)

NHIE had an iphone (but I am getting one this month)

Ping. I have had an iPhone 4 for three years. I might be able to get an iPhone 6 or 5s if I get into BS.

NHIE been absent this year for medical reasons.

Ping…the flu is nasty…

NHIE watched The Princess and the Frog.


Never have I ever seen a waterfall


NHIE threw up in school.

No ping, thank god!

NHIE watched an opera.


NHIE been in a helicopter.

Ping! In India…

NHIE had a Netflix binge.

Ping! I watched two seasons of New Girl in three days when I was sick once

NHIE had a dog (but my Dad might get one soon)

Ping! His name was Lloyd, German Shephard, but he died :frowning:

NHIE had a cat.

No ping. But in my neighborhood there is this super friendly cat that walks into people’s homes uninvited if you open the door when he’s there lol.

NHIE seen all of the Twilight films.