Never Made a 5 Club

<p>Join the exclusive Never Made a 5 on an AP Test club. Not many CCers can say that... :(</p>

<p>Calculus BC 4
Calculus AB subscore 4
Comp Sci A 4
Comp Sci AB 4
English Language 4
English Literature 3
French 4
Macroeconomics 4
US Govt 4
US History 3</p>


<p>Ill join :)</p>

<p>Lang 4
Lit 4
Bio 3
Calc AB 3</p>

<p>Not many do well on the APs at my school…</p>

<p>I don’t even have my scores ready yet, but looks like I am joining</p>

<p>My school does really well. I’m like the only person who hasn’t made a five before haha.
BTW we’re both going to BC woohoo!</p>

<p>Haha, cool thread</p>

<p>Ap Lang: 4
Apush: 4
Ap Psychology: 4
World History: 3</p>

<p>Straight 3’s sonnnn!</p>

<p>Lang - 3
Lit - 3
Envi sci - 3
Gov - 3
Stats - 3(surprisingly way excited about this)</p>

<p>Got my first scores today. Straight 4’s! </p>

<p>Lang - 4
Psych - 4
World - 4</p>


<p>dont have results yet but im joining</p>

Go BC!!!</p>

<p>I was until today!
i had 2 4’s and a 3 soph- junior</p>

<p>unfortunately i’m a member of this club, which is def exclusive on CC haha
eng language: 4
ush: 3 :confused:
i hope next year i’m out of this club haha</p>

<p>I think I’m a member of this club unless there’s been a miracle and I got a 5 on either AP Euro or AP Lit. I got a 3 on AP Lang and a 4 on AP Bio last year.</p>

<p>iwillnotcalliwillnotcalliwillnotcalliwillnotcall!!!<<<<internal mantra until I get my score report in the mail</p>

<p>Yea for regular kids! All 3s. Thank God son chose a state flagship. At least he can get some credit for all that hard work!</p>

Macro/Micro- Both 4’s</p>

<p>Yeah I’m a scrub lol. Plan on taking Calc AB, Bio, Physics, Chem again, and English so I might still be in the club due to the amount of difficult AP’s (except for English).</p>

<p>4 on World History.</p>

<p>I’m hoping to leave this club next week…</p>

<p>i’m just an average student… nothing to be ashamed of here :)</p>

<p>English Lit - 3
English Lang - 3
Spanish Lang - 1 :confused: hahaha
US History - 3</p>

<p>at least i get credit for my 3s! :D</p>

<p>Might as well join this club <em>sigh</em>. Haven’t gotten my scores yet for Spanish Language and English Language but am 99.9999999999999999% sure neither one is a five (especially not Spanish :-X). And I strongly doubt I’ll get a five on English Lit next year, so. Yeah.–I’se in the club.</p>

<p>Hooray to you guys! 5’s on AP’s are overrated, SERIOUSLY! I’m shooting for 4’s on my Language & US History scores in a few weeks.</p>

<p>Congrats to all your hardwork! 5’s aren’t everything. Best wishes on your college search :))</p>

<p>Calc BC-3
AP Lang- 4
AP Lit-4
apes- 3
ap stats- 4
calc ab-3</p>