New ACT, Way too many schools, still average.. CHANCES!?

<p>This is my completely updated chance thread.</p>

<p>-Male- Illinois Resident
-first generation college student
-first generation american</p>


<p>CLASS RANK: 18/416</p>

<p>GPA Weighed : 3.92 </p>

<p>ACT: 28</p>

<p>FRESHMAN YEAR S1/S2 grade</p>

<p>Honors English A/B
Algebra 1 A/A
Honors Biology A/A
Health A/A
Spanish A/B
Honors World History A/A</p>


<p>Newspaper A/B
Zoology A/A
Honors English A/B
Chemistry A/B
Honors Geometry B/D (KILLER)
Spanish B/A</p>


<p>Newspaper A/A
Spanish C/C
AP English L&C A/A
AP Us History A/A
AlgebraII B/A
Anatomy/Physiology A/A</p>


<p>AP English Literature
Ap Bio
Ap Chem
Honors Econ/ AP Government
AP Statistics
Pre Calc</p>

Sociology(Summer before sophomore year) -A
Psychology (Summer before junior year)- A
Composition/Creative writing (during junior year) -A
College Algebra (Summer before senior year)- B
Speech currently taking. Anticipate an A</p>

<p>-I know my S2 grades of sophomore year were rocky, and there is a reason for this. This was the semester I "came out of the closet" at my school and it did not go over smoothly with students along with my family.. I know I take full responsibility for my grades, but this will be explained to the schools I apply to..</p>


<p>-Newspaper- sophomore, reporter; junior, opinion editor
-Student Council- freshman, secretary;sophomore, member;junior, member
-Key Club- freshman, member
-Cross Country- freshman thru senior, runner
-Job- since sophomore year, in fast food. I work about 20 hrs a week
-Volunteer 1-4 hrs a week at the local hospital's emergency room
-NHS- junior, member; senior, vice president
-GSA- sophomore, member</p>

<p>Hook: As I've stated before I think it is to my advantage to be a first generation college student and American. I also think that it helps that I'm gay (not for admissions reasons specifically, but to help "diversify" the student body)</p>

<p>Essay: I have not written it yet, but I anticipate writing about growing up Catholic, to my dismay.</p>

<p>So, be as blunt as possible.. these are the schools I anticipate applying to:</p>

<p>Kenyon College (ED)
Macalester (EDII)
University Of Illinois -Urbana Champaign (in state)
Connecticut College
Boston University

<p>Be as blunt as possible.. where can I get in?</p>

<p>Kenyon College (ED) - In
University Of Illinois -Urbana Champaign (in state)- IN apply early
everything else in kinda of a reach
please chance me I'm from IL also</p>

<p>BU is a match for you because you have adequate act and high gpa</p>

<p>thanks, anyone else? please? if you have a chance thread, ill chance back!</p>

<p>Um freakonomics lied...Kenyon is def a reach for's a very competitive school.....</p>

<p>thanks for the input. anybody else?</p>

<p>c'mon all these views, but like no posts??? please somebody else chance me!</p>

<p>I know some pretty big idiots from my school who have gone to Kenyon, Bates, and Skidmore. They got recruited though………… sports are kind of annoying sometimes. Anyways the only thing that hurts you right now I suppose is the ACT score, but I think you should be able to get into some of those schools, as long as you don't over/underplay the coming out thing. Try not to make it seem like you feel it's an "advantage" in the application process.</p>

<p>thanks! anybody else?</p>