New admissions process for engineering - questions

<p>My son will be applying for the class of 2019. We have been to some general info sessions but they were light on the details regarding the new engineering system. I was hoping some of you how are farther along and/or have been to a NSC already might be able to flush out the details. </p>

<p>Biggest question - what happens when you apply for your major if you don't get it? Do you get to apply to more than one major choice? Or is it all or nothing? And where do you go if you don't make the cut? Do you then have to apply to another college at the university? Or are they anticipating that students in that situation will just try to transfer to another university altogether? </p>

<p>Second question - what advice, if any, are you hearing regarding setting up first semester schedule and how it fits in the new process? Son has a bunch of AP credits and ordinarily I would suggest he get a few more of his core (arts and ICD) out of the way so he could be "all in" for engineering by soph/junior year. But are there other more technical courses suggested to have a better chance when applying for preferred major? </p>

<p>Biggest question - From what we were told at NSC is they apply early second semester. I think you apply to a single discipline but I’m not sure. If you don’t make it then you can apply again in the 3rd semester and the 4th. After that if you have not been admitted you will need to switch out of engineering. Remember this is a new process and its first iteration will be this coming year. I expect it to be a little fluid until they work out the kinks and there is a good chance things will be slightly different next year.</p>

<p>Second question - The first semester is pretty standard for all engineering students since they start out in general engineering. The score on the Math Placement Exam can dictate one of the classes such as chemistry or physics. Pretty much everything else is the same. You can use AP credits. To apply for a major you must have completed a math, a science and an engineering course. Typically that would be ENGR 111, MATH 151 and PHYS 218 but AP credits can change the math and/or science classes.</p>

<p>“Second question - The first semester is pretty standard for all engineering students since they start out in general engineering. The score on the Math Placement Exam can dictate one of the classes such as chemistry or physics. Pretty much everything else is the same. You can use AP credits. To apply for a major you must have completed a math, a science and an engineering course. Typically that would be ENGR 111, MATH 151 and PHYS 218 but AP credits can change the math and/or science classes.”</p>

<p>Unless one is planning to major in Computer Science. Exactly how the intended CS majors are going to be effected is not entirely clear to me.</p>

<p>WAPacker - oh no! Son wants to go for Computer Engineering. The website by the way is very confusing when looking for degree plan information. On the one hand it stresses two different programs CS and BSCE. But when clicking through they seem to be all mixed together. Son will probably not use his AP for Calc or Physics. But he has English and History credits. He would love to take something strictly for enrichment in those “slots” such as a different foreign language. But the question is whether that might hurt him when he applies for his actual major. I am not entirely sure anyone knows yet. </p>

<p>I think for Computer Engineering the first semester classes are the same as most other engineering majors. It is just CS that seems to be different in that they do not take Engr 111 and do not have to take Phys 218 but they may take it as one of their required science electives.</p>