New Engineering Building at VT !!!!

<p>Guys I found this to be worth sharing.</p>

<p>The</a> Signature Engineering Building | The Campaign For Virginia Tech</p>

<p>Is this building construction underway, just started, or is the building complete and up and running?? I noted the article was from 2010?</p>

<p>Never mind that question - I just googled it and found the web page with all the info about the building, including a web cam to view the construction</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I was just in Blacksburg this weekend to see son and see a basketball game. The building is huge and they seem to be using Hokie stone so it will fit in well with the rest of the campus. Son is graduating though so will not be there when it is completed and classes start to be held there. They are also building a very large performing arts type building so there is lots of construction going on now.</p>

<p>I read on the VT website that both buildings will be ready this fall!</p>