We are excited to announce a new feature on College Confidential. As many of you have requested, we were able to add the option to be removed from a private message (PM). Once you open the PM, you will see a new menu in the top left corner. From there you are now able to 1) “Delete Message Thread”; 2) “Add people to this conversation” by typing their username in the text box.
DO NOTE: Option #1 will remove you from the PM discussion as well as delete the message thread (so you won’t be able to access it afterwards).
@CCadmin_Sorin Is the Private Message feature working today? Can’t seem to find that option today.
Thanks @skieurope. Hmm…either I’m losing my eyesight or I’m doing something wrong. I followed that link and don’t see either option. I’ve messaged before, but for some reason I don’t see that option today. I’ll log off and log back in.
Hmm…Still don’t see it.
Oh, I’ll have to defer to @CCadmin_Sorin then.
@spicynoodles, you need to be a Junior Member in order to be able to Private Message another user. We’ve reintroduced this requirement as we have been dealing with a lot of spam PMs. In order to become a Junior Member you need 15 posts. Thanks!
@CCadmin_Sorin Ah, I see. That must be a new requirement since last week.
Well that makes sense as to why I can’t PM another user… So this makes post #3!
I’ve been trying to PM someone and now I know why I couldn’t, haha. Guess I have to get to 15 posts!
@CCadmin_Sorin Thanks. It was working for me last week. Any specific reason to have 15 posts?
@gingo1234, before we implemented this change, we had to deal with quite a few reports from users complaining about solicitation PMs.We felt that 15 was a good number to discourage people from signing up to advertise. It also gives us a chance to see a pattern if a new user suddenly posts a bunch of meaningless stuff. It happens more than you would think.
Thank you for clarification.
Weird, I don’t have the option even though I’m past the minimum. Is there a cycle for updating user roles or something that’ll add the permission?
@MaineLonghorn I have now crossed 16 posts. This will be 17th. Still not able to PMs. Can you please look into this if possible? Thanks in advance.
@gingo1234 The change from New Member to Junior Member does not assure the nanosecond that one hits 15 posts. The system does a refresh of users’ statuses at scheduled times, at which point any change of status will be reflects.
The status has updated last night. Thanks!
Thanks for the update @gingo1234
I used the feature, thanks!
I found it.
I see I can leave the discussion…and it deletes the discussion from MY list. Good.