<p>I was informed (by the housing office) they had overestimated how many freshmen could be accepted earlier this year, and this is why the housing situation is such a mess this year. (What I mean is, all freshmen are guaranteed housing, so any other students which apply for housing have less of a chance to obtain on campus housing. This problem is exacerbated this year due to the increase in acceptances.) I know students who got accepted (particularly to start in the summer program) don’t feel bad about this at all (“Hey, who cares! I got accepted!”) But it really is a pain in that respect that they accepted too many incoming freshmen. </p>
<p>However, it is great that overall, people haven’t let the scandal influence their choice to apply or their opinion of penn state.</p>
<p>I’m sure they accepted around the same amount (~50%) but the yield was much different than they wanted…scandal gave them a lot of publicity.</p>
<p>Yep I agree I’m transferring to Penn State and I couldn’t be happier. What happened with the pervert has no affect on what I think about the school’s academics or its reputation as a Public Ivy. I just hope other students see it like this as well and I hope to God that when U.S News does the rankings for 2012 - 2013 that they don’t do anything drastic.</p>
<p>What that means is - it may be more difficult to be admitted to Univ. Park next year. </p>
<p>I believe Penn State needs to re-examine the tuition they charge at the branches. Applications are down, and the admission rates are very high. I believe many students aren’t willing to pay the higher tuition at the branches vs. at the state owned universities, particularly because the state-owned universities offer much more of a campus environment and much more student housing.</p>
<p>^ Yes. If you’re a PA resident, there is little incentive for you to go to a branch campus when tuition is only $2.3k less than University Park. That’s still pretty lofty compared to a lot of other schools too. Here in North Carolina, tuition for instate students at NC State is only $7,000</p>
<p>The incentive is that often students can live at home, much like going to a community college, which will save additional thousands. Some of the branch campuses don’t even offer housing. And, many of the students attending the branch campuses don’t have the stats to get into University Park.</p>