New game!

<p>oooh, good one........</p>

<li>happines :D</li>
<li>good college--->good job----->good money (hopefully)</li>

<p>Topic: people/things you love most in your life</p>

<li>My friends</li>
<li>My music room</li>

<p>yay for swimming!</p>

<p>I guess I'll make up a topic........</p>

<p>Most popular fashion trends observed in your high school</p>

<p>Sorry I like always forget to put a topic. This is my own game, that's really pathetic.</p>

<li>Black hair, eww</li>
<li>punk style on stupid rich kids</li>
<li>pleated skirts for the girls</li>

<p>Most prominent hair colors in your high school?</p>

<li>lime green</li>
<li>white/light blonde (bleached i suppose)</li>

<p>most of your wardrobe are in the colors of:</p>

<li>rainbow (lol)........more kids than you would believe </li>

<p>favorite movie quotes</p>

<li>grey or blue</li>

<p>size of three houses you've lived in. If you haven't lived in 3, tell the size of the house you want to live in.</p>


<p>best ages to be:</p>

<li> 1</li>
<li> 16</li>
<li> 21</li>

<p>worst ages to be</p>

<p>3) 30
2) 13
1) 12</p>

<p>best cereal names</p>

<p>3 Count Chocula
2 Captain Crunch
1 Crispix</p>

<p>Most interesting events in history?</p>

<li>Ancient cultures (not really an event...)</li>
<li>Many Supreme Court cases</li>

<p>Favorite television shows?</p>

<li>Ruroni Kenshin</li>
<li>That 70s show</li>
<li>King of Queens</li>

<p>Favorite school topics</p>


<p>Favorite Expressions?</p>

<li>Yeh wha?</li>
<li>So, how bout that local sports team?</li>

<p>Ways I should celebrate St. Patrick's Day?</p>

<li>green Kool aid for your hair</li>
<li>cover your body in shimmering shamrocks</li>
<li>get drunk at an Irish pub........if you can get in</li>

<p>top 3 items you couldn't live without</p>

<li>Nintendo DS</li>

<p>3 best presents you ever got</p>

<li>Nintendo DS</li>

<p>name 3 of 4 teams that you think will make to Final Four....</p>


<p>3 worst movies of all time</p>

<p>so many to choose from!
1. power of one
2. all mindless formulaic chick flicks
3. hero</p>

<p>topic: worst songs/bands of all time</p>