<p>Has anyone here attended New Hampton School? Or anyone applying to the school?
What do you think about it? (the students, faculties, and opportunity to be yourself)
I can't visit the school, all the information I gain about New Hampton school is from the website and my interviewer. so I am relying on you guys in the hope of hearing from someone who has experience. Thank you!!</p>
<p>Well, how you should look at New Hampton is relative to the other schools you’re applying to. It’s not an A or B tier school, but I really like it. It’s got moderate facilities + an amazing new science building.
The kids themselves are typically very relaxed. The majority of students are either there to play sports or because it’s academically not overly strenuous. If you do want excellent academics, it does have that too. They just installed a new IB program and are running an iPad pilot program.
As for being yourself, you can definitely do that. No real dress codes and the environment seems relatively (once again) relaxed about pretty much everything.</p>
<p>I would also like to hear more about New Hampton and the last post doesn’t really sound like it’s written by a student. (Sorry, but true.) There was a major controversy about this school a few years back regarding the new administration. Perhaps it’s continuing? It seems like a neat school with a lot of exciting things going on (IB, in particular) and yet there’s very little real information out there from current students and parents. If anyone has firsthand info, we’d enjoy hearing it. Are the teachers solid? How is morale these days? Are athletics and college matriculation good? What types of kids go there generally? How would you say it compares to schools like Holderness, Brewster, and others in this general category? If you’re more comfortable PM’ng that is fine, too.</p>
<p>Lovely, I just typed an answer based on our living near the school and our son’s experience playing against them in sports and interviewing there also. He has applied for next fall. </p>
<p>Lost the darn thing in some tech glitch and I just don’t feel like retyping it now. If you are interested in the parent side let me know pm or on the board and I’ll get back into the details. </p>
<p>We liked it a lot.</p>
<p>could you get it on the board? I may be applying for rolling admissions there if I don’t get in anywhere this round…</p>
<p>It would be great to get those details on the board if you get the energy back, MamaKiwi! There is so little info out there about this school yet, again, it seems to have some exciting things going on and is perhaps “up and coming” (as one educational consultant put it). Anything you have to offer is most appreciated. Cheers.</p>
<p>For what it’s worth, we just visited the school and were very impressed with the facilities, administration, kids, teachers, and coaches we met. It really seemed like a happy, close community where everyone knew one another and seemed to be enjoying themselves and the process of learning. I know you can’t get a full picture in one visit and don’t know about the controversy (other than a new Head coming on board and wanting to make some changes like the new IB program, which is actually one of the things that attracted us in the first place), but our child came away loving the place - it’s his clear favorite among those we looked at. I agree that there isn’t much information floating around about New Hampton so would also enjoy hearing from anyone else who has some perspective. From our limited time there and interactions with the admissions office and faculty/staff, though, we came away with very positive feelings. (I also saw that reference to New Hampton as an “up and coming” boarding school somewhere online. Based on our visit, that wouldn’t surprise me.)</p>
<p>I’d like to preface this by saying there is a parent of a NHS graduate who might be able to shed more details. These are simply observations from visiting, my son’s interaction with the school, and other input we as parents have received from speaking with the faculty at our son’s present school.</p>
<p>We (adults) spent two months of the fall in Bristol NH - which is just a few miles away from the town of New Hampton and the New Hampton School. We drove by this school almost daily and because our son put it on his list over a year ago - we curiously peered onto the sports fields, or detoured to drive through campus to watch the students - every chance we got.</p>
<p>The school is not on the main highway, but on the old road that ran through the village. The school seems to have taken over the old village - and it is a very quaint setting. Extremely attractive and well maintained buildings. Honestly, you feel like you are on the set for a movie when you drive down through the ‘town.’ There is a little country store which has all the typical “C” Store type offerings. I’ve heard students can get hot snacks there as well - like pizza slices or chicken sandwiches - but I cannot confirm this. The old town library is right across from campus and students often choose to study there for a change of scenery. Playing fields are very well maintained, tennis courts very nice. Gym seemed okay - I’m not the one to ask about that. </p>
<p>New Hampton -the actual town- has now moved over across the interstate with all of the typical conveniences you expect - Subway, Chinese food, pizza , etc. (students can get delivery of Chinese and pizza.) However, the town of New Hampton is still very small and friendly. Major shopping - groceries, Walmart, outlet malls, BJs, Walgreen’s - is just 20 minutes south on the interstate. NHS is located 20 minutes from Ragged Mtn ski area and there are many other great ski locations within an hour. Winter sports are popular.</p>
<p>Our oldest son has played against them in sports - specifically XC and tennis. He says they are always good sportsmen and competitors. He has met a number of students during snowboarding season - just on the lift or in the lodge - and says they are all very friendly and speak highly about their experience at New Hampton. Happy kids. The first time he was on campus, for a tennis match, he said he felt instantly comfortable and it was then he put it on his list of schools. (This was over a year ago.)</p>
<p>As parents we were a little skeptical - the SAT scores are pretty low and we wondered if he would be challenged academically. After visiting the school, we feel that the curriculum can offer plenty of challenge - especially with the new IB program. Student have the option to take IB classes even if they are not pursuing the IB diploma. I cannot speak to the student body in terms of intellectual curiosity. I think it is safe to say that you will not have the extremely high thinkers like you would have at a HADES. Your peers are a very important part of your bs experience - so you want to be sure that you can relate well with them. This is probably the one area that we will want to explore further if he is accepted and we choose to re-visit.</p>
<p>The head of school has a student at my son’s current school and he made the effort to come and meet us and speak to us about his vision for New Hampton. He is very impressive and obviously passionate about his job and moving New Hampton forward. They want to stay on the cutting edge of technology (iPad pilot, new science building, etc) and continue to enhance their academics (IB). There is a strong outdoor program, community involvement and environmental programs. They really have a global emphasis and are proud to have students from over 20 different countries. </p>
<p>We believe that the culture of an organization starts at the top - it was clear to us that everyone we met was totally behind this new head and on board with the vision for New Hampton. There was an unspoken enthusiastic message of ‘we are moving ahead - come join us!’</p>
<p>The sports - our kids are not athletes in the recruit-able sense of the word. However, the tennis coach made a point to come and meet our son. She was so dynamic I was ready to sign a contract right then - and it was our first school Our impression is that it is a place where everyone gets a chance to participate and -Lovelylife- our sons experience at a JBS has been that there is never anyone who is made to feel inadequate for lack of athletic skills. Of course, you will have your “JOCKS” - but there are just as many kids who are really happy to play reserve lacrosse and learn a new sport. We got the feeling that New Hampton was the same in that regard. Maybe someone else can speak to the sports culture
<p>The students we met all looked us in the eye and offered a greeting - even if just passing on the sidewalk. They were all dressed in a neat but casual fashion. We didn’t see any slouchy pants or baggy sweatshirts. Neat kids to go along with the neat appearance of the school. To us that reflected a pride - the school takes pride in their buildings and landscape and that is also reflected in the pride the students take in their dress.</p>
<p>Dorms - seemed fine. Nothing came across as negative - pretty standard. Dining hall nice - like a pleasant public school cafeteria. Nothing fancy like some of the top schools, but also not a pit either. Theatre was nice. Our son is interested in that area and we spent time talking with a music teacher, watched a Comedy Improv class in session and later he spoke with the theatre director. The library was really attractive - with multiple levels and lots of glass. It overlooks a small pond that is spring fed. Students can swim in summer and ice skate in winter. </p>
<p>All input we received from faculty at our son’s current school - some of which have taught there and other have sent children there - was very positive. </p>
<p>Good Luck!</p>
<p>I visited with my daughter and we crossed it off our list. </p>
<p>I was not impressed with the town/location at all and the school felt like a college campus. If I wanted my child to go someplace so big and impersonal she can stay at our local public school. </p>
<p>I got the impression (and it was confirmed by our student tour guide) that unless you are actively involved in sports you are a nobody. </p>
<p>The admissions office was like a zoo and I felt like we needed to take a number like at the deli counter and wait for our number to be called. </p>
<p>Not our cup of tea at all.</p>
<p>From the bottom of my heart: THANKS ALL OF YOU for showing a clearer picture of New Hampton School. this means so much for me since I don’t have the opportunity to visit the school my self. Thank you again!</p>
<p>Lucy- you must have New Hampton in New Hampshire confused with another school. </p>
<p>It is a school of only 310 students. Do you consider that large?</p>
<p>The town is only 2200 residents. It is a village.</p>
<p>The campus is small. 50 buildings. 13 dorms. 125 acres (more acreage off campus).</p>
<p>The student body is very diverse and arts, IB and athletics live happily amongst the crowd.</p>
<p>Please recheck your school visit list and post again. I would not want any prospective student to get the wrong impression.
<p>New Hampton is the only NE boarding school in New England with the IB and they also started an iPad program. A lot of interesting things going on under Head Andrew Menke.</p>
<p>I’ll second LarryBird’s comment - Menke is impressive. I suggest anyone interested get a copy of their new viewbook (hot off the presses). It is really shows their commitment to standing out from the crowd. It also highlights (along with the IB and sports) their community service initiatives and their outdoor programs.</p>
<p>mamakiwi – I’ve heard applications and inquiries are way up at New Hampton. It will be interesting to see what happens there in the coming years.</p>
<p>I would align myself with the positive comments above, especially the new direction, Head Menke’s vision, the IB program, the facilities, the new math/science center, etc.</p>
<p>Our son looked at it for fall 2009 (choosing another school eventually), and a daughter applied for fall 2012. If she’s admitted & gets FA, we’ll give it a serious relook.</p>
<p>Sorry you did not like my assessment of New Hampton. Its mine and my daughters opinion and I stand by it. </p>
<p>Did you really think that every person that goes to visit New Hampton loves it???</p>
<p>My daughter asked me to visit this school and I expected to not like it and was more than pleasantly surprised. She applied to New Hampton, NMH and VA - will revisit all three and although I prefer NMH I am keeping an open mind about New Hampton. Was very impressed with Menke, the new buildings and all the people we met there. I am worried about the academics and reputation that this school has when it comes college time. </p>
<p>Any New Hampton parents with praise for the academics and college admissions support/success - I would really love to hear from you.</p>
<p>Dear all - Thank you for your posts. The fact that everyone state their own opinions makes this worth to read! I will consider every factors about New Hampton that you have said if I am accepted :D</p>
<p>Hehe, I am glad that I have already been accepted to 5 schools and I’m waiting for my result at New Hampton School.</p>
<p>LucyLinus, please relax. I had the same reaction Mamakiwi did to your post. I don’t think she was attacking your opinion or you personally - she was trying to reconcile your description of and reaction to the school with her quite detailed personal knowledge of it.
After all, many folks have a habit of jumping on this board to post casual/sketchy remarks that lend an unfair or incomplete sense of a place. With so many young kids looking for information to make important life decisions, it can be misleading, which isn’t helpful to anybody. And, of course, the schools can’t really respond unless it’s behind a veil of carefully chosen posters or even fake profiles.</p>
<p>New Hampton isn’t a large school, in fact, and its campus is smaller than any of the New England schools we visited so Mamakiwi’s point is valid. Perhaps augmenting your posting with more descriptive matter would make sense so others can glean the reasons for your (and your daughter’s) extreme reaction to the school. Ultimately, descriptions, impressions, and accuracy (even highly subjective descriptions and impressions) are all people want here. Have a great day!</p>
<p>“Ultimately, descriptions, impressions, and accuracy (even highly subjective descriptions and impressions) are all people want here”</p>
<p>That is exactly what I gave. If you don’t like my opinion then move on to the next topic. </p>
<p>I don’t like New Hampton!!!</p>
<p>There, I said it. </p>
<p>Deal with it.</p>