New issue with ads

When signed in, on my phone, I now have an ad that pops up over the response screen when I’m typing.

@momofsenior1, can you please send me a screenshot at Thanks a lot.

Of course now I can’t replicate it! Hopefully just a one off. If it happens again I will screen shot it. Thank you for the quick response!

Hopefully it’s just a one off. Please keep me posted.

I have just started getting ads across the bottom of my screen this morning. Safari on iPad. The ads do have the x to get rid of them, but when I click on it, a new ad soon takes its place.

I have the same ad across the bottom that won’t go away, and I can’t x out of it. So irritating.

ME TOO!!! Very Annoying.


Yes, same issue here with the pop-up ad, on Safari and Firefox.

Guys, can anyone please send me a screenshot at I need an example to provide for the ads team. Thanks a lot!

Just sent you an email @CCadmin_Sorin as the ad is back for me too.

I have ads on all devices now. Screen shots sent.

Ad at the top, and one at the bottom (same ad) which cover the entire screen until I XX out of the bottom one. When I go to the next page or next thread, appears again. Using laptop with Firefox.

Maybe the ads team should be getting pink slips instead of screenshots of ads that are once again popping up. JK, sort of. This kind of thing should not be happening again and again. It’s like whack-a-mole. It’s also really irritating.

I’m having the same issue with ads on bottom. Chrome on a Mac laptop.

Same annoying issue on my phone.

Thanks for the screenshots, @momofsenior1! I passed them onto the ads team. I’ll keep you posted.

Please… for the love of God… get rid of these supremely annoying pop up ads.

They’re driving me nuts. I may take a break from CC.

No ads along the bottom of my screen this morning- thanks. Fingers crossed.

None as well! Thanks.