new jersey

<p>has anyone from nj heard back yet?</p>

<p>my D’s app file was complete by the end of Sept and she has not heard anything. No one from our HS has heard. We live in North Jersey. Do they make admissions decisions and notifications according to geographic location? Is there a date they are required to notify by?</p>

<p>Certain admissions counselors have specific geographic locations in which they review applications. When my school heard back we all heard back with about a 2 day span (that is for those who sumbitted their apps before the november 1st deadline). Since your D submitted her app in september (before the november 1st deadline) the site says she will for sure hear back by the end of january.</p>

<p>Five students from my school received their decision notification back in November. One was denied and four were postponed. My apps been complete and under review since 10/14, and I’m still waiting for a decision. Hopefully, no news is good news.</p>

<p>D was accepted in Nov. 4.2 g.p.a 30 ACT North Jersey</p>

<p>just accepted from New Jersey
app was submitted 10/25 and other materials arrived shortly after</p>