<p>Who watched last night's Law & Order? It was about students in a fictional elite boarding school. They get so competitive that some act up big time. Very scary story, especially to parents who intend to "send their kids away" to a BS. (believe it or not, the detective actually said to a parent "if you love her so much, why did you send her away", of course that parent is a nutcase - abuse and exploit his gifted daughter relentlessly.) Anyone who has watched the show can give a better account of the story?</p>
<p>Sam Waterson is a Groton and Yale alum. He should know.</p>
<p>Oh, you were referring to an SVU episode. I googled “law and order” + boarding school and found this (long) synopsis: [All</a> Things Law And Order](<a href=“http://allthingslawandorder.blogspot.com/]All”>http://allthingslawandorder.blogspot.com/)</p>
<p>Isn’t this one of the most popular shows on TV? God help our country!</p>
<p>Thanks neatoburriton. Read that everyone if you haven’t watched the show. One thing that was striking to me was that it somehow did not present the case as one of the weired individaul case that you may not see happening in a million years, instead it really highlighted the culture of that boarding school, which had some sort of agenda/conspiracy to exploit those talented/genius kids to the school’s benifit - fame and wealth. Just how much truth is there? I’m telling you - it’s a scary story.</p>
<p>I actually saw most of that episode, and it was SO far from the truth that we have experienced as BS parents…I thought at the time that it would be nice for writers/producers to actualy KNOW something about what they write. But, often they don’t and just base shows on perceptions and what makes for the most dramatic effect. Lack of knowledge/experience with what one writes truly does perpetuate stereotypes though, about many different subjects.</p>
<p>Oh well, those of us who know better just have to spread the word that BS is NOT like this show…at all.</p>
<p>Wait just a minute – are you suggesting that television writers exagerate facts and take literary license? That’s outrageous…</p>
<p>I mean, who woulda thunk it!</p>
<p>Everyone knows that boarding school is just like Zoey 101! The Law and Order people should watch that show so they get their facts straight.</p>
<p>Right, fun is fun…</p>
<p>And I thought boarding school was like the old Facts of Life sitcom. LOL</p>
<p>Actually goaliegirl loves SVU and watches it when home from school (not popular in her dorm lounge). They had a full night of it while she was home for the holidays on one cable channel. Perhaps she’ll get to see this episode some other time.</p>
<p>She’ll get a kick out of this episode, goaliedad.</p>
<p>OMG I saw that episode…that girl was seriously deranged.</p>
<p>oh lol i saw that episode</p>