<p>The Bloomington paper had an article today about a new Living/Learning Center for Kelley Direct Admits and prospective admits. It will open next fall. I would include the link to the article, but you need a subscription to read it. Basically about 250 students in McNutt Crone Hall. The number of students will increase to 750 in the third year. Assignments will be made according to application dates. As always one must request this option. </p>
<p>I wonder how effective their LLCs are going to
be considering the…atmosphere of Mcnutt. THere’s
going to be lots of smells swirling around in the
classroom, that’s for sure ahahah.</p>
<p>"McNutt is an air-conditioned, coed residence hall made up of six, five-story buildings (North Courtyard: Bryan, Crone and Bordner and South Courtyard: Dejoya, Bocobo and Delgado) and one central service building. Mostly double rooms with some singles and triple rooms are available. "</p>
<p>That’s the time when a lot of McNutt people return from the parties that end at 2 AM. When my son was rooming in McNutt, he was always getting awoken at 3 AM–even on school days when he had his first class later that morning at 8 AM.</p>
<p>(which is why McNutt is known as the “party” dorm)</p>
<p>It’s co-residential–meaning they have halls of men on one floor, then women on another–and the floor depends upon which hall you are in. </p>
<p>My son was in Bryan Hall–and ended up on the first floor, which was male. Second floor was female, third floor was male (that school year–2006-2007).</p>
<p>I presume it will be the same for the Kelley LLC.</p>
<p>I was able to find out a couple things about this from IU. First off they are trying to change the image of McNutt…so it may change. My son was also concerned about the party image and based on what IU said, the Living Center area will be different. Thus, the reason for so many essay question to fill out. </p>
<p>In addition, they said that girls and boys would be on the same floor. So…the girls ore on one side of the hall and the boys on the other. At least thats the information I received.</p>