New Look for the CC Community

Soon you will start noticing a different color scheme in the community portion of CC. It’s a fresher, brighter look that still uses the same type size and style so you won’t have to adjust your browser font settings. The new style is more contemporary in nature, and echoes some of the look of the [[/url</a>] site that we redesigned last year. It also better matches the [url=&lt;a href=“]Campus”&gt;]Campus</a> Visits](<a href=“”> area that we restyled a few months ago.

"Arghh! It hurts my eyes!" If you hate the new look, all is not lost. Even though it is our new default style, you can select the old one. Just go to “My Control Panel” (top menu bar) and then click “Edit Options.” Scroll down auntil you see the Style chooser and *select the “CC” style<a href=“not%20Default%20or%20Fresh”>/i</a>. The CC style is the original look that you have grown to love (?), and your eyes will return to normal in short order.

Browser problems? We have tested the new style in a variety of common browsers, and it seems to work fine. But, if you encounter any weirdness, please report it here including a description of the browser, platform (PC, Mac, iPhone, etc.) and specific issue. (As always, we recommend avoiding the AOL browser completely and using Firefox, IE, etc.)

If nothing seems to have changed when you read this, that means we haven’t pushed the big red button yet. Our tech wizards were still tweaking a few settings for Mac/Safari users. So, don’t bother looking for the style switcher (or report it missing) until you actually see the new color scheme.

Ahh! I thought my computer freaked out for a second and changed colors and whatnot, but now I kind of like it. Yay.

I regret to say I’m in the “arghh” category.

That’s OK, Hunt, we’ve gotcha covered! We knew not everyone would like the new look, so it’s easy to revert to the classic look. (The previous look actually had its roots in our [original</a> forum](<a href=“]original”>

It’s alright. It’s always nice to have a fresh new design, but it’ll take a while getting used to…

Different…but FRESH :slight_smile:

Whoa! I thought something happened to my computer! Right now I miss the CC blue, but who knows? I’ve almost gotten used to the new Newsweek :slight_smile:

I usually like these sorts of changes, but this one is a bit over the top for me. I’m afraid that I’m turning into one of those people who grumbles about “New Facebook.”

I refreshed the page, and it all changed. That was a very efficient transition.

I like :slight_smile: cheerful and easier for me to read, though it could be my new contacts, too.

Nice. It’s summer-y.

Hmm. I’ve changed my mind. I don’t like it. It’s like albino CC. My only problem is with the weird red text everywhere… oh well I changed it back, I’m just glad that we have the option to switch to old CC style :slight_smile:

Thanks for that option. I changed mine back.

I like the old CC better.

I usually like change, but the new format uses lines rather than shading to delineate each thread in the list of New Posts, and these lines are hard on my eyes.

Carolina Blue???
LOL, I thought my monitor had blown a gasket!!

I like it!

The pinkish-brown, it’s everywhere. IT BURNS, IT BURRRRRRRNNNSSSS…!

I think the biggest problem is the red color on the keyword text. Set against the background gray (Which becomes pink when viewed at even a slight angle on a laptop LCD display), it’s downright painful.

As a forum admin on several other internet communities, I don’t think Red really has a place in a color scheme except for error messages. I might suggest a dark green, or even purple, if you can’t stand the old blue - but definitely not red.

It’s good that you’re at least trying to give an option to switch back to a “CC Classic” color scheme. What might make that option even better is if it worked on all forums. For example, the Columbia board (which is where I spend 80% of my CC time) forces me to use the new one, despite my profile selection. Why enforce that? Seems to be no reason to ignore a user’s stated preference… ever.

I actually like it a lot. My legally blind eyes just wish the links were a little darker.

Great design!!! Thanks for the blindness!!!