New majors at VT

<p>For someone who will be attending Virginia tech next year, will it be possible for me to switch into either the microbiology or nanoscience majors for the upcoming year? </p>

Out of curiosity what did you end up doing? and how hard is it to get into nanoscience? Thanks!

@vinnyv91 @satya17

I just switched my major from University Studies to Neuroscience (not Nano science), all i had to do was email and request a major change and i got an email back within 2 days saying i was approved to change.

@Firecell is it possible for incoming freshmen to change a major or transfer to another college to take specific courses?

@momhs2016 it is possible i would reccomend yo to speak with the undergrad office and they can give you a detailed answer or forward you to someone who can

@Firecell Thank you so much!