Since there are number of OOS students who may be attend UNM this fall, I thought I’d put this out here–
The first weekend in August is a tax holiday for all back to school items. No state or local sale tax will be charged on eligible back to school items on August 3 through August 5, 2018.
College students may be asked to show a student ID when making purchases.
Categories of items that qualify:
Clothing & shoes under $100 per item.
School supplies under $30 per item. (Includes textbooks.)
Computers under $1000. (Limited to one per student.)
Computer equipment under $500.
NOTE: there are some exclusions in all categories.
For a complete list of eligible and non-eligible items–
Some exclusions are non-obvious. For example, Wedding gowns and diapers are tax free, but sports uniforms & equipment are not.