New & Nervous....What are my chances?

<p>GPA: 91 (3.6)
Rank: 86 / 462 (18%)
SAT: Test 1
M - 590
CR - 640
W - 620
= 1850</p>

<p>Test 2
M - 540
CR: 630
W: 640
= 1810</p>

<p>Best Combined
CR - 640
M - 590
W - 640
= 1870 (CR + M = 1230)</p>

<p>EC: - Varsity Tennis Team for 3 yrs
- Spanish Club Member for 3 yrs
- Vice President of Interact Club for 2 yrs (basically lots of volunteering)
- Volunteer at Hospital 40+ Hours
- Active Red Cross Volunteer for 5+ years
- National Honor Society
- Honor Roll Every Quarter of High School
- Work at Starbucks Cafe in Barnes & Noble
- Member of Junior Statesmen of American for 1 yr</p>

<p>Ethnicity: Indian (female) - born in Saudi Arabia moved here at age 2</p>

<p>Applied To:</p>

<p>Penn State University Park
University of Pittsburgh - Already Accepted :]]
New York University (reach, i know, but one of my favorites)
Boston University (heard alot about grade deflation :/)
Northeastern University (my #1 I think, love the co-op)
Drexel University (dont like it much, applied because they let me do it for free)</p>

<p>Please tell me my chances, especially for Northeastern and NYU</p>

<p>I live in Reading, PA but Im pretty sure I dont want to go to a state school. I want a big city (NYC or Boston) and lots of diversity, as I am Indian and PA is full of...white pennsylvanians (same goes for PSU and Pitt). Not that it is a bad thing, I would just like different types of ethnicities and lots of diversity!</p>

<p>Also, I got 2 great recommendations from teachers who really loved me
1. Honors English Teacher (also teaches honors world lit)
2. AP US History Teacher (also teaches AP psych)</p>