<p>I'll bet you 1000 CC posts that they fedexed it ;) , but sure, call them up and also ask them what's inside! Is 6lbs. a huge package?</p>
<p>I want to call and tell them "YES, I'm totally coming!" so that they won't have to wait for my card; they can get my happy packet on its way to my door right now.</p>
<p>i got it i got it! yyyyyyyyaaaaaaaayyyyy super excited. i'm gonna fill it all out and get it back in ASAP!</p>
<p>Was it priority? It had to be, right? That means the fedex man will be visiting me soon, right?! SAY THAT IT IS SO!</p>
<p>measure it! measure it! how thick is it! how wide is it! how does it smell? :D (i'm big on the smell of new books. weird that way.)</p>
<p>Hey, what forms do we have to fill out?</p>
*Computer Initiative?</p>
<p>what else?</p>
<p>well, if my little bro hadn't been so lazy and had woken up by 9 am, then I would have mine to look at right now...</p>
<p>DHL or Fedex?</p>
<p>I got my package two days ago ...it did not come fed ex, but it does make sense that I got it so soon as I happen to live in Princeton and the mailman had a mere two miles to travel. The package is very big and includes housing forms, information on university policies, a complete course guide and more.</p>
<p>A DHL came right now:eek:</p>
<p>Too bad it had nothing to do with Princeton. It was for my MOM. :mad:</p>
<p>aiyar, poor sucharita. what nerve your mummy has to receive a dhl at this time! ;)</p>
<p>that's just cruel, sucharita. i do believe i'll have to have a little sit-down with your mail dude. stupid mail systems...:p</p>
<p>yeah! How dare she get DHLs! I have a premium on all DHLs that come to my address! And the worst part of it is, I had to sign for it cuz she left for work at 8! :mad:</p>
<p>Fat package.... need fat package... must com....pl...e...te f...or....</p>
<p><em>collapses in desperation</em></p>
<p>Dizzyson got his fedex on Friday, but we've been too busy to look at it!
I'm out of town...will have to call and tell him to dig in.</p>
<p>What dorm does he want?????</p>
<p>Does he have any choice?</p>
<p>Dizzymom, it was a Fedex? Are you sure?</p>
<p>He doesn't have much choice in the way of dorms though :p</p>
<p>AHHH! And the fedex people said they couldn't find anything for me! (My, am I sad. I spend my time obsessing about a package that I know is coming and doesn't really matter when it does. Still, something to look forward to).</p>
<p>Cevonia maybe they DHLed it! :eek:</p>
<p>I GOT IT I GOT IT! It was Fedex after all! AND IT'S FABULOUS!</p>