<p>I am a recent graduate of monroe community college based out of rochester new york..my degree is just a liberal arts general studies but where ever i transfer within the SUNy system all my core courses/gen. education courses will be knocked out of the way, as well as any credits that can be used to my newly decided major...jazz studies/contemporary music.</p>
<p>I must stay within new york for at least my bachelors degree, I've applied to Suny fredonia, potsdam, oneonta for music industry, suny purchase and suny new paltz.</p>
<p>My top 3 right now <em>in no order</em> are Purchase, oneonta and New paltz. Ive heard and seen stuff written about purchase and oneonta but how about new paltz..does anyone know anything or anyone attend school there and is either in or knows about their music program? particularly their contemporary music studies and/or jazz studies..actually any info on the music program there in general would be highly appreciated </p>
<p>I’ve been on this particular board for a while, and you’re the first to ask about SUNY-New Paltz. You may be better off using a search of Google, its web, group, and blog searches. Or check facebook to see if there is a student group.</p>
<p>Vicaria, thank you for your advice i shall try everything you suggested except for facebook, thats the first place i checked on info/opinions about new paltz’s music program.</p>
<p>I just wish more people knew about or attend/ed the program on this board, maybe thats a sign the program isnt that good :/…to me it seems like a different program, heres the curriculum for contemporary studies if anyone is interested in checking it out,
[State</a> University of New York New Paltz - School of Fine and Performing Arts - Music - Academics - Curriculum - Undergraduate](<a href=“http://www.newpaltz.edu/music/academics_curr_musicstudies.html]State”>http://www.newpaltz.edu/music/academics_curr_musicstudies.html)</p>
<p>i have applied to and visited both potsdam and fredonia…i was not a fan of both, especially potsdam…I AM not doubting that they are good schools, i’m sure they are but it just wasnt for me…i first got accepted to potsdam after i graduated high school…fredonia just seems too “in the middle of no where” plus i know former students from mcc who transferred to fredonia and said that their jazz program isnt as prestigious and up to par as their classical program!..once again anyone I MEAN anyone know anything about NEW PALTZ’S music program please message me or post a comment on this thread!..thanks for your support</p>