<p>We've got a Carleton 2013 Parents group on Facebook. Only 5 members so far, but it's clearly a fabulous bunch, LOL. Actually only 4 are 2013 parents, but an alum and Parent of a 2011 joined too, so we've got someone who can anwer a few questions.</p>
<p>My mom will join in Feb if I get in She wants to join to ask questions and everything but is afraid of jinxing me…haha.</p>
<p>Hollylove, there are several Carleton parents here who will be happy to answer your mother’s questions - we all asked questions back in the day and are delighted to be able to “pay it forward”. PM me if she needs to know anything.</p>
<p>I didn’t realize that many parents had Facebook. I think my dad made one a couple of years ago, but I refused to be his “friend” and he deleted it a few days later. :)</p>
<p>I don’t have nearly as many friends as my kids (all tho they let me be friends). But I’ve found lots of folks from different periods of my life. I just joined a new Dacie Moses House (Carleton) group. I’m also in a Carleton Geology Dept group. It took me awhile to get going and remember to check, but I’ve gotten to like it. I’ve had a few online chats with childhood friends in other parts of the country.</p>
<p>On the Carleton website there are links to the Parent’s maillist and Parent Directory. The maillist has had some recent chatter about sharing vans from the airport and what issues came up with the frosh home for their first vacation.</p>
<p>I just started the Facebook one so the new parents can gush and chatter and not clog up the main maillist:)</p>
<p>For most of the major semester breaks (departure and return), there are buses to and from campus and the airport in the cities. The student does have to make advance reservations, but it is very reasonable and runs multiple times during peak arrival and departure time periods. The bus is not available at the beginning of the fall semester. It is a wonderful service, and the students are brought right to campus.</p>