New pics of Shelby Quad, National Water Ctr., Presidential Village, and Ferguson Ctr

<p> Since CC doesn’t allow direct links, just visit the address at the left, and look for University of Alabama thread, under Southeast region section. There are many pictures here of campus construction old and new. </p>

<p>Great pics…thanks for sharing.</p>

<p>I should have explained that the Ferguson Ctr. which is the UA Student Ctr., is undergoing an expansion and renovation. Presidential Village is the new dorm coming on line this Fall for the freshman class. </p>

<p>Thank you for sharing these pictures! It is so nice to see what’s going on since I can’t be there to see it in person. UA has done an excellent job of marrying its new construction with the existing structures and giving it a timeless feel. Can’t wait to see it up close. </p>