New Preview News..Re: dress

<p>How about we just meet for dinner and chat? I think the only thing you will need is a head count so you can decide where to go. Tuscaloosa will be very busy that night! i</p>

<p>Count us in - Meremom and DD2!</p>

<p>Just a thought, but would the Starbucks in the Ferg be an option? It IS the country’s largest but I don’t know hours or average utilization on a Saturday.</p>

<p>I’m new to this with my daughter, who is only a junior, but hoping to stay on top of things, so I’m wondering what Preview Day is exactly, how it works, and where. We live in New England, so I’m not sure if there are ever events even near us, or if we would be encouraged go attend events in other cities. Can someone help?</p>

<p>Shellygee…Preview Day is usually held in the Spring in Tuscaloosa (although this year it was in February), when PNMs and their parents attend information sessions about recruitment at Alabama. In addition the PNMs then get to go and visit the sororities for a short period of time. The day generally starts with check in from appx 9 am to 10:30 and then a program for the girls from 12:30 to about 1:30 where they are then broken up in to Rho Chi groups and the go off to visit the different sororities. the parents then have their sessions from 2:30 until 5:30 or 6. Lots of good info and I heartily suggest that since you are OOS that you attend. Usually OOS girls come in on the day before (Friday ) and leave on Sunday. In years past there have also been invitation teas and parties given by the various sororities scattered throughout the weekend. That was not the case this year but who knows what will happen next year (panhellenic tends to change their mind alot). In the case of this year private invite teas and parties are the weekend of March 16th in Tuscaloosa.
If there are recruitment information sessions in your area that are put on by your local alum panhellenic then you should most definitely go. I am not aware of any in New England but that’s not to say they don’t happen.
I am more than happy to chat with you about the process…I will try to pm you (not sure you can get them yet?). My cell is 816-213-5922…call me and I will walk you through the process.</p>

<p>Others may be able to explain this better than I, but here goes.</p>

<p>Preview day in a nutshell:
Friday evening or Saturday morning the girls sign in (they pre-registered online in advance).
Saturday at 12:30 the girls meet and have a short fashion show, info session, etc. Then they are taken in their groups (you know your group when you sign in) by their Rho Chi to visit each house for 12 minutes. It is kind of a mini rush. This lasts till about 7:20ish
At 2:30 the parents have their info session for all kinds of things sorority, housing, dining, rush, etc. This last till about 6:30ish. It was VERY informative! </p>

<p>Several roommates met for the first time at Preview. My D and her roommate met as did several others and us moms met as well. We went to lunch together before Saturdays events and then dinner. It was nice to get to meet ahead and spend time with the other moms. All and all, I’d say that Preview weekend gave D and I both a little peace of mind when it comes to what to expect not just for sorority life, rush, etc but also for things like move-in, etc. </p>

<p>The Panhelleinc events are more of a local thing where your areas group will have their registration for girls in the area that are thinking about rushing and get recs. This is for girls that will be going to any school. Preview is geared more towards a particular schools sororities and how they do things.</p>