Just wanted to let everyone know that the College Board finally posted the information needed to score/scale the raw data from the new PSAT practice test. Here is the link
Now the big question…what will the various state cut-off scores be for this new test?
@123field Do you have any idea when the scoring guide for the practice SATs will be released?
Here you go…a link to 4 paper and pencil (pdf) new SAT practice tests with answers and scoring guides put out by the College Board today. Each practice test has its own scoring guide.
I’m glad the College Board has finally published the scoring guides as my daughter goes back to school next Thursday and her study time will be much more limited. We now know a bit more about how she is doing on the practice tests with the scaling data released.
Awesome! Thank you so much! These scoring guides definitely help to reduce some of the anxiety.
My S17 started studying using the Khan Academy modules and so far likes that a lot more than the study guide books I force upon him. He is using the new SAT guides to study for the new PSAT since there really are not a lot of study guides or practice tests for the new PSAT.