New Sched!

<p>Let me know any insight you have or concerns/things to switch!
Honors and Kelley DA</p>

<p>1st semester:</p>

<p>Bus-A 100 MoWe 12:20-1:10pm McNutt--Winston</p>

<p>CSCI-A 110 Lab MoWe 4-5:15pm wells-- Pope (Lecture 2:30-3 wed. woodburn)</p>

<p>HPER-E 111 (basketball) MoWe 10:10-11:00am wildermuth(does this have GPA,HW,or Finals)</p>

<p>Math-M 119 TuTh 11:15am-12:30pm rawless--orrick</p>

<p>PSY-P 101 TuTh 2:30pm-3:45pm Morrison--Summers</p>

<p>BUS-x 106 TuTh 9:30am-10:45am Business School(BU)--Bailey Hughes</p>

<p>I know Bthomp didn't recommend Bailey Hughes but i needed an honors course and vargans x 106 was only available to KLLC students. </p>

<p>Only thing I'm worried about is not having class on Friday and sleeping in until 2 </p>

<p>Also are finals in the same room as each class is taught in b/c for three of my finals i have 15 min to get to the next classroom and it would be great to know if they were the same ones. </p>

<p>Thanks for input!</p>

<p>Can’t really give you much input on your schedule since I haven’t taken any of those classes, but when it comes to finals it really depends… Generally classes that are in large lecture halls will have the final in the same room, and smaller classes are more likely to take their final in another classroom or building.</p>

<p>Are you taking M118 finite at IU? If you are, it might be better to take finite in Fall semester as the final is on Friday. That way, you could eliminate the 8am Tuesday final in M119 and have only two finals that day.</p>

<p>Also, are you taking A100 first or second eight weeks? First eight weeks you wouldn’t have to worry about the A100 final while you are taking other finals on finals week.</p>

<p>What do you mean by does E111 have gpa? It is a graded course. I know you can take it pass/fail in Kelley if you want, so that it has no effect on your gpa, but the class has a lot of A’s. Don’t know if it has a final. It meets twice a weed for the whole semester, which is a lot for a one credit class, but maybe you don’t mind that. An alternative one-credit class that meets only eight times all semester and is very easy and fun, is HPER-A 483 PRINC OF SPORTS OFFICIATING (1 CR) 06:00P-08:30P Wed HP 012 Debro M, which is about officiating basketball. You could take it pass/fail, too, but it is easy grading.</p>

<p>If you are taking A100 the second 8 weeks, the A100 final is the same morning as M118. That is why I chose to take it the first 8 weeks. The A100 final (first 8 weeks) is the same weekend as M118 midterm but one is Saturday morning and the other Sunday night.</p>

<p>A100 Final 8:00-10:00 a.m., Fri., December 16</p>

<p>M118 is 12:30 the same day.</p>

<p>I don’t understand why you would take CSCI-A 110… its basically the same information offered in K204/K201, but from a different department. As K201 is a required class, it doesn’t make sense to me to waste the time… unless you are worried about not doing well in K201/K204.</p>

<p>LaRok0, CSCI A110 is probably the easiest N&M class at IU. And it prepares you for K201, and also gives you some html and Word skills. Is it a waste of time to get an A or A- (as 70% of the people who stay in the class do) while getting a N&M requirement out of the way, considering most N&M classes are very difficult and grade tough? Way easier than taking geology, chem, biology, etc. to meet N&M requirements in Kelley. Easier, too, than the fairly easy N&M classes like intro psychology, astronomy, etc. For Kelley purposes, you just have to make sure you take A110 in a semester before you take K201, or Kelley won’t give you N&M credit for it.</p>

<p>The Kelley Degree is completely different for this year’s entering class. For N&M, they are counting M118 as the mathematical science, and you are only required to take a natural science. The same counts for S&H, as ECON 201 and 202 now fulfill that requirement. If you are Hutton and and a Kelley DA, I’d take K204 this fall; that’s what I am doing. My initial advisor informed me that the “new degree” will allow for more exploration and options in a Kelley student’s schedule. So, essentially the CSCI A110 will count as an elective for you. But if you’re in Hutton and a DA, K204 shouldn’t be a problem. I would pursue other ICORE prereq’s or take electives that will fulfill an additional minor/major.</p>

<p>Check the distribution report and grading is great (in my opinion) for K204.</p>

<p>[Grade</a> Distribution Database: Office of the Registrar: Indiana University Bloomington](<a href=“]Grade”></p>

<p>Also, info about the new GenEd policy at IU.</p>

<p>[General</a> Education at Indiana University Bloomington](<a href=“]General”></p>

<p>So the 2 Kelley gen ed options no longer exist, as all undergrads will be under this new policy?</p>

<p>When will Kelley’s website and academic bulletin be updated? I’m really surprised at how they are rolling this change out.</p>

<p>I apologize to all incoming freshman for the advice I’ve been giving referring to the field specialization option as opposed to the distribution option. Shutting up now. : )</p>

<p>I’m not really sure. I can tell you that on my “2011 Kelley Degree” sheet given to me by my advisor the following is all that’s listed for General Education.</p>

<p>General Education (can be done at any time)
[Courses</a> in GenEd](<a href=“]Courses”></p>

<p>A&H from list:_____
A&H from list:_____
N&M natural science from list:____
World Languages & Cultures course (or study abroad):____
World Languages & Cultures course (or study abroad):____
300/400 level advisor-approved course:____
300/400 level advisor-approved course:____</p>

<p>And keep the advice coming! It is really helpful even though the Kelley degree for incoming classes has changed. In my advising session, my Kelley advisor mentioned the new degree is very helpful because it allows more electives/academic freedom, and for me, I’m hoping to add another major/minor.</p>

<p>It looks like the new rules trump Kelley’s old rules, though, of course the current Kelley website still says they have a 27 credit hour core and distribution option within the 62 credit gen ed requirement.</p>

<p>[General</a> Education Core: Degree Requirements: Academics: Undergraduate Program: Kelley School of Business: Indiana University Bloomington](<a href=“Undergraduate | Bachelor's Degree in Business | Indiana Kelley”>Undergraduate | Bachelor's Degree in Business | Indiana Kelley)</p>

<p>The new gen ed requirements are similar, and in some ways different from, the old ones if you use this pdf as a guide.</p>

<p><a href=“Indiana University Bloomington”>Indiana University Bloomington;

<p>Similar to old way:</p>

<p>You still need to select a minimum of two A&H classes, since none of the Icore prerequisites are A&H. You select them from this list.
[A</a> & H Courses](<a href=“]A”></p>

<p>You still need two three-hundred level COAS classes, but they can be from more than one area and, apparently, they must be approved by your advisor-- in the past they did not have to be approved.</p>

<p>International Dimension is replaced by World Languages and World Cultures. Actually looks easier to fulfill, because it includes freshman level languages. Of course, since there is no Kelley bulletin covering Fall 2011- , we can’t be sure if Kelley students still need 200- level foreign language. It must be a secret or something.
[World</a> Languages Courses](<a href=“]World”></p>

<p>Also, the list of qualifying courses in World Culture classes (classes that would probably, under the old system, double count for distribution option and International Dimension) is now there for all to see, not just in the hands of Kelley Advisors.
[World</a> Cultures Courses](<a href=“]World”></p>

<p>Still can apply to Kelley degree requirements: no more than four HPER-E classes and four credits of MUS-?; no 0-level classes count; no SLST-T 101 count.</p>

Only need one N&M class now-- one taken from the “Natural Sciences”, since one of finite or calculus will qualify for the Mathmatical Sciences side. These natural sciences classes are marked with an asterisk on this list.<br>
[N</a> & M Courses](<a href=“]N”></p>

<p>This is based on the pdf file from [Degree</a> Planning Guides: Planning Tools: Academic Advising: University Division: Indiana University Bloomington](<a href=“Indiana University Bloomington”>Indiana University Bloomington) . </p>

<p>This changes would make minors much easier to get, as you have a lot of freedom to get the courses you need, including not having to spread the classes you need across the A&H, S&H, and N&M categories of the 27 credit hour core as rigidly as before. I don’t think it would make adding a non-Kelley major any easier, since the big obstacle there is getting enough COAS credits, and the number of credits needed now (122 ) isn’t any different from before.</p>

<p>Of course, the effect of all these changes is just speculation from the UD website and what people who have gone to orientation have said, since the Kelley website is completely mum on the changes, which have a practical effect on probably a couple thousand students or so. Or I am not looking in the right place for Kelley’s explanation of the possible changes.</p>

<p>so would it be worth it to keep csci A100 to get an easy A and prepard for k204 at the same time or not?</p>

<p>If you are a direct admit, all you need is a C in K201/K204 to count for Icore prereq. And since you don’t need it for N&M, then maybe not, especially if you feel good about your computer skills already. </p>

<p>The new requirements give you tons of classes now that don’t have to count for anything, however, so you could still take it for the grade if you want. It should be a very easy A for someone in Hutton and Kelley direct admit, and there are not very many easy A opportunities in COAS.</p>

<p>and HKEM how do you look at midterm dates. Will i be okay taking A100 the first half of the semester with M119 or M118. And thank you so much for the help Bthomp you have so much knowledge to share. I switched in to the officiating and plan on my job being just that during the year.</p>

<p>I’m taking A100 the first 8 weeks with M118. You’ll be taking both at the same time whether you take A100 the first or second 8 weeks, so it doesn’t really make a difference. The midterm time for M118 is listed when you sign up for it on onstart. It reads: “M 118 : All students enrolling in MATH-M 118 must be able to take a Departmental midterm exam on Sat, Oct 15, 9-10:30a” </p>

<p>A100 says: “A100 : Students must be able to take exam on Thu, Sep 22, at 9-11p
Above class final exam will be 6-8p Sun, Oct 16”</p>

<p>Despite the changes in the degree making it slightly less worthwhile, i’m taking CSCI-A 100 this semester. If nothing else it will help pad the GPA for Kelley honors consideration if A100 or M118 don’t end up getting me A’s.</p>

<p>Thanks for all the help everyone.
changes i made were a100 first 8 weeks now and I traded the basketball hper for the officiating one bthomp recommended.</p>

<p>yes bthomp1 i think i will take CSCI-A 110 then because GPA is very important to me. Are there any reasons it should not be as important as i’m holding it to be. Also If anyone here knows if there is a final for Bus-x 106 that information would be greatly appreciated!</p>

<p>Hey, I have Math-M 119 with you. What time did you change A100 to?</p>

<p>i have a100 at the same time but first 8 weeks what about you? what dorms did you get put into too?</p>

<p>I have A100 at 1:25 with Winston. I’m in Wright. What about you?</p>

<p>I took A100 and it is a fairly easy class if you put the work in. For that class… you MUST put work in (do exercises that she covers in class and as many past midterms/finals as you can). If you plan to just study the class notes, then you are in for a world of hurt. hehe The actual stuff on the exams are much harder than what she covers in class and requires real critical thinking and being careful.</p>

<p>I also took A-110 and dropped it because I felt like it was a waste of time for me. It’s not hard if you go to each class and follow along what the AI instructors do in the labs.</p>