New test scores in: do scholarships automatically upgrade for admitted students?

<p>DD finally bumped her 29 ACT up and now qualifies for presidential status, yippee! Do we need to take any further action? UA was on her score choice list.</p>

<p>That’s wonderful news! Congrats! I don’t know the answer to your question but I would assume yes. Official notification of scholarships doesn’t come out until spring anyway.</p>

<p>Thanks, she is super excited. So glad she gave it one more try!</p>

<p>Congratulations! Yes, her scholarship will be based upon her highest score on record. Look for an email verifying the scores have been received. If you don’t receive one, you might consider making a quick call to Admissions to verify it was received.</p>

<p>gamomto4girls: Did your daughter automatically send her score to UA when she retook the test? If not, then you would need to submit the score. I would followup with admissions to make sure that her file was updated for the scholarship award.</p>

<p>Congratulations to your daughter!</p>

<p>Wonderful achievement!!! Roll Tide Roll!!!</p>

<p>Congrats! That’s a big jump from a 29 to a 32. Great!!!</p>

<p>Congratulations!! Was thus the Sept ACT? My dd scores aren’t up yet!</p>

<p>Yes, Sept test date. Both of my high school girls tested. We are able to view one set of scores, but not the other. Keep checking back.</p>

<p>Thanks for the info gamom. I have another friend going crazy trying to get her DS’s scores. Did your DD take it with or without writing?</p>

<p>Just checked to see if DS’s scores are posted from the September test but not yet … I feel like I am at a slot machine, if I hit “refresh” enough times, then things will magically line up and there will be a big payout …</p>

<p>Or maybe I should just check back in a few days instead …!</p>

<p>Are you trying the “see scores early trick”?</p>

<p>[Early</a> ACT Score Checker](<a href=“”></p>

<p>Sadly, now I have. More than once. Still no scores. Oh well, maybe tomorrow. (I was hoping for cool mom points by finding the score early.)</p>

<p>And congrats to gamomto4girls!</p>

<p>The link above worked! Thanks. Also score showed up on honors school application earlier. Confirmed score using link.</p>

<p>Colobamamom, try looking at the honors school app ^^</p>

<p>gamom, was this ACT test with writing? Just wondering since my daughter’s is not up yet… Maybe that is because she took the writing part. CONGRATS to your daughter! :)</p>

<p>Yes, dd that I could see took hers without the writing. My younger dd in 10th took the writing and I cannot see her scores yet. Best wishes to those still waiting!</p>

<p>DS took with writing as well, so perhaps that explains his delay. </p>

<p>I guess it is time for my helicopter-self to focus in on something else while we wait … like essays or school work perhaps … senioritis has struck hard.</p>

<p>Congrats to those with the scores they wanted - this is such an exciting and busy and stressful time!</p>

<p>Yesterday it said “Transaction could be be completed” for my DD. Today it says her name and “null” on everything. What does that mean? Did ACT catch on? She did take writing, as well.</p>

<p>Thank you Class2012Mom for the info about the Honors application. I had been wondering if admissions had received the community college transcript, as it did not show under application status. This confirmed for us that they did, as her credit and GPA were visible. One less thing to worry about.</p>