New test scores in: do scholarships automatically upgrade for admitted students?

<p>Congratulations!!! What a relief!</p>

<p>When will the new ACT score update the automatic scholarship offer? I looked at the FAQ page on UA Scholarships and it didn’t see anything about updating the offer.</p>

<p>If I am awarded the Capstone Scholar Scholarship, take the ACT test again and score higher, which will make me eligible for the Presidential Scholar Scholarship, do I receive both scholarships?</p>

<p>No. In the scenario described above, the Presidential Scholar Scholarship would replace the Capstone Scholar Scholarship.</p>

<p>Yes I read that but I am still unclear as to how it updates. It says DD will receive the higher scholarship but doesn’t mention if I need to take any action to alert them she has qualified for it.</p>

<p>^^^How would the university even know if your student has retaken the ACT or SAT tests unless your student sends in their scores??
If I remember correctly, the student sends their scores by indicating the university code on the day of the test or during registration. Otherwise, your student will have to login to their account and send the scores after the test scores have been posted.</p>

<p>I believe people are confused about the word “automatic” in the scholarship page wording. The “automatic” refers to an upgrade in the scholarship dollar portion for a higher test score. If and only if the student attains the higher score do they qualify for the higher scholarship level. The student does not get two scholarships if they upgrade their scores.
The phrasing “automatic” does not refer to test score reporting (the student is still responsible for that). That is my interpretation. Again, I don’t see how the university would know that a student has retested or not if they don’t notify the university. How else would the university even know that a student has retested??</p>

<p>DD did send her score to UA but since a scholarship was previously awarded I wasn’t sure if I need to submit a “change of score” form or something like that.</p>

<p>Just to clarify, your daughter sent her second test score to UA?</p>

<p>If so, then I would wait a week or so then contact admissions to make sure that the “new” test score is in her file. You can ask when they will send notification of her new scholarship award. I am not sure how long that takes.</p>

<p>^^ Yes robotbldmom, my DD did have her second test score sent to UA. </p>

<p>Thanks so much for the response!</p>

<p>Great! Congratulations to your daughter on her higher score!!!</p>

<p>Don’t forget to follow up with admissions or scholarships.</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>There isn’t a “score change” report to send in. After the school gets the new score, the new scholarship letter is send. I don’t know if there is something that triggers this, or if an employee needs to notice this. I suspect that there is something that triggers.</p>

<p>If you don’t get a new letter in a couple of weeks, then email Amber Capell and include CWID.</p>

<p>It is important to note that this policy will vary from college to college. I met with an admissions counselor at University of Tampa today. He told me that they are a rolling admissions school that calculates each student’s eligibility for merit aid when they apply. They DO NOT upgrade merit offers if higher scores or grades come in later in the year.</p>

<p>I then hopped in the car for 45 minutes and I had an appointment in the afternoon with the DOA at Florida Southern. They will upgrade merit aid awards after acceptance letters, all the way until May. </p>

<p>I was not familiar with how Bama handles this. I was with the Bama-Huntsville counselor on Saturday, but Huntsville runs their own operation according to their admissions and aid policies.</p>


<p>“It is important to note that this policy will vary from college to college. I”</p>

<p>True, but the student is posting in the Bama forum.</p>

<p>“I met with an admissions counselor at University of Tampa today. He told me that they are a rolling admissions school that calculates each student’s eligibility for merit aid when they apply. They DO NOT upgrade merit offers if higher scores or grades come in later in the year.”</p>

<p>What a stupid policy. One of the purposes of Rolling Admissions is to spread out the work level of processing apps. With that short-sighted policy, there’s little reason to apply early in the app season unless you already have the needed score for the best merit.</p>

<p>Got Nov. sat scores … Bumped up from 1360 to 1440 CR & M, .now has Presidrntial. Will this be sufficient to get invited to University Fellows? Overall score is now 2220.</p>


<p>Are you asking if his scores are now high enough to be invited to APPLY to UFE? Yes, he should now be high enough to apply.</p>

<p>So, if my accepted D increased her score on the next ACT test (and scored high enough), would she be offered an OOS scholarship?</p>

<p>Is your D a junior or senior?</p>

<p>2Gyrlz, yes, if the higher score was achieved on a test given BEFORE the scholarship cut-off date. </p>


<p>Your D is a senior, so the deadline for tests for merit consideration was the Dec tests. </p>

<p>Where else did she apply? There are a couple of schools that will bump merit up for a test taken late in senior year. Miss St is one (or used to be one). </p>

<p>What score do you think she’ll get this time? </p>

<p>How much merit does she need?</p>

<p>I believe that you’re instate for Florida. Is she eligible for Bright Futures? or would she be if she raises her test scores? With Bright Futures, it would be very hard for Bama to compete with that anyway unless she got a full tuition scholarship.</p>

<p>since there seems to be a bit of confusion, the poster asked her daughter would be offered an OOS scholarship if she got a good score on the NEXT ACT test.</p>

<p>i am going to go out on a limb and say, NO.</p>

<p>as mom2ck said, deadline for tests for merit consideration was the Dec tests.</p>

<p>She’s a Senior and was accepted to FAU, FIU, USF (Summer) & deferred from FSU. She scored a 23 on the previous test, but she’ll retest next month and confident she’ll score at least a 26 for the FMS for Bright Futures. She still talks about UA, but know that it’ll probably be FIU-she likes Miami. Thanks to all for clarifying.</p>