New USNWR rankings

<p>That’s correct bclintonk, most private universities claim to have student to faculty ratios in the 6-7:1 ratio. In truth, if calculated the ratio including graduate students, most of them would have ratios in the 11-13:1 range. Still excellent, but not as impressive as 6-7:1.</p>

<p>UCLA is strong academically, but it has no “renowned” majors. </p>

<p>Financial resources also helps UCLA, since they include medical research costs associated with the Ronald Reagan hospital. Cal’s of course is included under UCSF. The financial resources rating favors universities with medical schools, even though this is supposed to be an undergraduate rating.</p>

<p>^So is Cal like the defacto “miscellaneous” school of UCSF?</p>

<p>^ Could be since none of Cal’s and UCSF’s degree programs overlap.</p>