New wave of notifications are out

<p>I am out of state and I revived my acceptance notification just now so check MY UW</p>


<p>Male from New Jersey </p>

<p>Hey I see you posted a lot of advice under “Chances” posts and I was wondering if you could give my info a look.</p>

<p>I am a male from a public school 0f 2,000 in New Jersey, can someone please give me some insight on my chances with the information I provide below, thanks!</p>

<p>GPA: 4.265
ACT: Highest Composite 33, writing 10
Class Rank: 20th Percentile
Classes: 5 APs 3 HHs
Ethnic Background: White/Hispanic
Nationality: USA/Uruguay
Extra Circulars: President of Model Congress Club, president of Model UN Club, President of Photography Club, Board Member of the Jewish Student Union, Internship with U.S. Senator Cory Booker, Peer Leader, Photo Editor of the school newspaper
Varsity Sports: Soccer and Fencing
Honors: National Honors Society, Spanish Honors Society, 3 Community Service Awards
Work: Travel soccer ref</p>

<p>@mkraidelman15‌ Hey, question: did you get an email first? What shows up on My UW? Congratulations!</p>

<p>Thanks! And i received an email saying that my admission decision had been uploaded and to check MY UW and it says Congratulations! You have been admitted to the University of Wisconsin - Madison. We have mailed your official letter of admission and admission materials. Your online decision letter is available on the Notifications page.</p>

<p>When did you apply?</p>

<p>I applied 10/24 and I recieved MY UW account on 10/27</p>

<p>has anyone from Ca gotten in yet??</p>

<p>@kollegekid7 Nope! Including myself, so maybe they’re doing it by state???</p>

<p>Did anyone get in from Michigan?</p>

<p>From California and got my acceptance notification Friday night. Have not received my physical letter yet though, I don’t know if scholarships are given through mail or not.</p>

<p>Did you apply for scholarships?</p>

<p>this is so frustrating! I’m hoping i hear this friday</p>

<p>Anyone Colorado kids gotten any news from UW?</p>