Newhouse transfer chances.

<p>I'm applying for transfer into Syracuse's Newhouse for Spring. My history:</p>

<p>Nevada Uni-- about 9 credits, ~3.0 GPA
[Current] New York college (low-level, 4th-tier liberal arts school) about 66 credits-- 3.86 GPA</p>

<p>I'm in my early 20s, and I'm really trying hard to finish my degree. However, I really want the prestige of an institution like Syracuse, as well as the college experience. I have a little more than year to complete, if most of my credits are accepted. My supplement and other short answers were GREAT.</p>

<p>I wrote a strong essay. I'd probably give it an 'A'. I got two good recommendations from professosr at my current institution. I work on my college's newspaper as a staff writer, and I often appear on the front page.</p>

<p>I'm athletic and a musician (I made sure to mention both).</p>

<p>What are my chances for transfer?</p>

<p>while I don’t know what the issues are from transfers from outside the university, I do know that once you’re at Syracuse, once you maintain a certain GPA, and have a certain standing, you can transfer into Newhouse.</p>

<p>I’d check the website.</p>