<p>Thought this might help. In talking to someone on the phone the lady told me that McCombs just this year made it more important to have ALL FIVE required courses if you are trying to transfer in with less than 60 hours.</p>
<p>The website says that students with less than 60 only have to take 3 out of the 5 to be admitted. I think this is still true, however, the lady told me specifically that they "strongly urge" students to have all five even if they only have 30 hours of courses. </p>
<p>I don't exactly know what the ramifications are to those students with only 3 out of the 5, I'm just putting it out there. It's too late for students like me who are already taking 2nd semester classes in college, but for students that still have time, this will help. You should enroll in all 5 classes within your first 30 hours.</p>
<p>I lucked out, I was very close to skipping Calculus 2 and taking that class at a later time. I decided to enroll in Calculus 2 however so by the end of my current semester I'll have 31 hours and all 5 required courses.</p>
<p>thanks for posting this. i am doing my last indicator class this semester which is calculus 2.
also did you ask how many people have applied so far and what kind of GPA will be necessary?</p>
<p>i made an A on all the other indicator classes. but my GPA is 3.5 right now because i ended up getting a hard a** instructor for history 1301 & 1302 so I got a B in both classes and I got B in English Comp 1 and Comp 2 because English is not my best language lol. but if I get a 4.0 this semester my GPA will jump to 3.65 with 52 hours.</p>