Newsflash: Nd Will Begin Making Calls Next Week!

<p>(This is cut and pasted from the UPENN thread as well, since they have a similar policy)</p>

<p>I received some astonishing news today whilst at my Guidance Counselor's office: Next week, the regional representatives from ND will be calling college counselors nationwide and going over each applicant from that school and the decision that the board has reached. This allows the GC one last time to, "bargain" with them to woo the decision towards the applicant as favorably as possible. They also use this to help out students who are deferred/denied, for usually they flood into the counselors office after the decisions are posted in a quandary of why the committee took that particular action on their app. The RR, for instance, may say, "grades not as solid as could be," or "SAT's lower than average," so it may help the deferrees boost their chances for the spring by improving on some things while there's still time, like submitting mid year grades (as long as you haven't let senioritis take its toll!) or possibly retake the SAT/sat iis in January, maybe inform them of more awards, send more essays, recs etc. This also sometimes gives deferred candidates a good estimate about what their realistic chances are in the second round, and if they need to rethink their college options before the big JAN 1 deadlines. </p>

<p>Of course, the GCS are under solemn oath not to repeat any of the information to anybody else until the applicants are notified. So, guys, our decisions will be ready much sooner than we think!</p>

<p>this obviously only applies to early decision candidates, right? Not regular decision, even though we may have already gotten everything in for RD.</p>

<p>Wow - they actually call every high school counselor? Seems like that would take forever.</p>

<p>yup. 100% true. and they also do it for RD</p>

<p>But they don't do it for RD until later, right? Like after the new year when they are reviewing RD apps?</p>

<p>I'm not sure of the source of your information, but it's not accurate in regards to RD admissions. My son is a freshman at Notre Dame and my other son is a senior sending in his RD application shortly. I just spoke with the guidance counselors at the boys' school, and they confirmed that ND's admissions staff is not making calls about each application, nor did they do so last year.</p>

<p>Frankly, I doubt the story entirely. Why would Admissions call to "improve" each application when they already have a tough enough time selecting between them?</p>


<p>I honestly doubt it as well. I have been around ND admissions for many years and have never heard of that. I do have some connections in admissions (that happens when you have to apply multiple times) :) so I will ask them next time I see them.</p>

<p>Maybe they only call if they really can't decide for a particular applicant, and if they propogate the rumor that they're calling a bunch of counsellors, the ones that do get called won't be quite as aware that they are on the verge of having a student accepted. </p>

<p>;) No idea. I dont think they have the manpower to accomplish the task.</p>

<p>I will join the crowd in agreeing that I find it hard to believe that phone calls are made to HS admission counselors. Even for EA applications, there would be a lot of phone calls to make. I do not believe that son's counselor was called last fall during the EA process--in fact, she was out with illness for most of Dec.! What contact we did have with her, she did not mention any calls from ND. She did mention other schools to which she had contact with, however. Perhaps these phone calls from ND have to do with requesting missing info or asking for additional info. I find it hard to believe that there is any "bargaining" happening! Good Luck to everyone waiting on that EA decision!!</p>

<p>Thorw me in the mix, too. My son is an ND sophomore, my daughter is an EA applicant, and the guidance department at their college prep high school has been incredibly helpful--we communicate frequently. I've never heard of such a policy, and don't buy it for a minute. There's nothing all that clandestine about the ND application process.</p>

<p>By the way, is "whilst" really in the regular jargon of a high school senior? That's more than a fifty dollar word; you'd better take out an equity loan for that one.</p>

<p>Relax, Rohan. The ND admissions board will make its decision, and you'll hear in enough time. You don't need to get everybody else on the board paranoid in the interim. </p>

<p>Go out and have some fun "whilst" you wait!</p>

<p>don't worry...I'm very relaxed about this. Good 'ol Christian beliefs: "Everything happens for a reason..."</p>

<p>but seriously, you are the second person that has noted my use of the word, "whilst." It must be because of my international background???</p>

<p>I'm not trying to get people paranoid on this board. But I can assure you that it does happen. It could simply be something that happens at private schools, or, as in my case, schools that are feeders for Notre Dame. We have a strong connection with them, so that's why I'm assuming that it happens. The Penn board also had mixed controversy, but a few students came forward and supported the assertion saying that yes, some of their GC's did/are expecting to receive calls. Like I said, it's highly improbable that all schools will get calls about all applicants, but most likely for those that are close ties with ND and also have students on the borderline. </p>

<p>Again, I'm sorry to have startled anybody. Whatever happens, happens.</p>

<p>ps could I have used the word, "happen" more in that response? my bad...hahaha</p>

<p>Fortunately, I really believe the university is looking to find the best people, from wherever they hail. A lot of the notion of "feeder schools", I think, is propagated by the "feeder schools" themselves. A lot of it is about image.</p>

<p>For those who don't come from the elite feeder schools, who measure success in Ivy acceptances, fear not. There are lots of people from every kind of school and community that you can conceive of attending the University of Notre Dame. I experienced that myself, and have seen the same to be true a generation later with my son's class. Bottom line is, it's the person, not the school.</p>

<p>Guess my GC will be getting a call if this is true...Supposedly my school is like the number 2 feeder school to ND.</p>

<p>Here's proof directly taken from an email from my GC</p>

<p>"[The call] is to provide any information that might help sway one way or another. It is to seek last minute information so the office can make a good decision. Remember I am very old and have been doing college work almost 30 years so I get called because of my tenure and my relations with offices around the nation. Though it is not bargaining, it is getting more information."</p>

<p>There you go.</p>

<p>Just because one particular counselor has a relationship with admissions people doesn't make it a policy, rohan. You must be one heckuva dude on the debate team...</p>

<p>I am glad I don't live in your world! Life was a lot different when I was 18. It has been, in fact, for my kids. Guess it just depends on how much you think the elbow-rubbing connection thing gets you into Notre Dame, and how much is just an attempt by the university to find not only the highest caliber students, but the highest quality people. I was blissfully ignorant in 1980...</p>

<p>GC is not aware that daughter's #1 choice is ND. Now I am wondering if she should make him aware in case he gets a call.....or not?</p>

<p>If it's just contacting the GC, I don't see what it hurts--she'll be graduating in less than a year anyway! I still don't think the calls are routine, though. And I have a hunch everything will be fine...</p>

<p>Whew. Thanks. I think sometimes we parents stress more than the kids...especially when you only have one!<br>
I just love what Notre Dame does to promote the faith and family values, while still having such a strong appreciation for sports. NO OTHER SCHOOL QUITE LIKE IT.</p>

<p>Sunshadow us parents are in this together.My number 5 is applying and I think I am more stressed out than any of the others. My first two went to State schools , The next one applied to only one school Fordham and got in early (somewhat stressful), the next one applied to Quinnipiac her only choice and got in ( the stress mounted when the awful financial aid package arrived)and now number five applied to seven schools early but the only place she really wants to go is ND. (we're praying a lot). The stess will worsen in Jan when I have three FAFSA'a to do.
So I'm with you and it is especially hard when it is your first navigating throught this admission maze so if I can be of any help or support just PM me anytime. It will all work out the way it's intended to be even if it is not what we think we want. Hang in there!</p>