Next decision?

<p>I am a Minnesota resident and still waiting to hear back. Does anyone know when the next release will be? Should I be worried that I haven't heard back yet?</p>

<p>No need to be worried. I haven’t heard either. I emailed admissions last week and they said they can only guarantee a decision by January 31. @urban1996 </p>

<p>^For people who applied by the first notification period deadline.</p>

<p>Yes, @Madison85 I guess I forgot to take in to account if the OP was a first or second deadline.</p>

<p>minnesotan applicant here as well, I have not received a decision either :/</p>

<p>Michigan applicant still not have heard either</p>

<p>Wisconsin applicant still haven’t heard.</p>

<p>I’ve seen posts of people getting accepted and postponed…has anyone been formally rejected? </p>

<p>I’ve already received my admittance letter and know other people who have been postponed. I think out of state people will hear back later then people who live in Wisconsin. Plus if you applied near the deadline that’ll affect it. I applied around October 25</p>