Next Round of Decisions?

<p>I didn't apply ER (just after it), so I know there's no guarantee that I'll get a response by the end of the year.</p>

<p>But, I was wondering when the next round of decisions will be released. I applied on Nov. 3, and they got my application on the 6th. They got everything from my school (which was sent Oct. 31) by Nov. 18. So that was 11 days ago, which isn't long enough for them to get to mine (seen that no decision is up yet). So I was wondering when the next round of decisions are coming out. Also, what are the chances that I will get a response before the end of the year? Since I didn't apply ER, there's no 100% guarantee, but there is still a possibility, correct?</p>

<p>Thanks for any posts.</p>