Next Steps Center: Does signing into it mean you commit?

<p>I signed up for next steps as soon as I received my admission confirmation. It gave me a netId and now it is showing me the enrollment checklist. </p>

<p>Does simply signing into next steps mean you are committing to the university? </p>

<p>How were you able to sign in? For me, it only gives the option of choosing current student, but that obviously doesn’t work.</p>

<p>Did you pay the fee to secure your spot in the class of '19? If not, then I don’t think that binds you to anything.</p>

<p>@koolguru and @stugace, How did you find out of your admission decision? And … Congratulations !</p>

<p>@stugace I didn’t pay or anything, they gave me a code on my application status page</p>

<p>Call them and see if it affects anything. I highly doubt signing into a website makes anything official.</p>

<p>@mum4college I found out through the MyUA online account. They also send a package through the mail.</p>

<p>@stugace Thank you. </p>