Next steps for talented, hardworking student

@KT12325 i have the link to that thread, but it’s not the same as the OPs situation at all. In that older thread, the student didn’t get accepted anywhere. Not one acceptance. This student has acceptances…they just are not affordable.

PLUS…this student needs as close to a full ride as he can get ASAP.

I would suggest this student apply to the schools named above.

University of Alabama (both Tuscaloosa and Huntsville)

University of New Mexico

But get going. Time is of the essence.

This student could take a gap year…and apply to different schools…but I’m thinking getting a decent NMF award NOW is a better bet for him. This kid will not get accepted at schools where he has already been rejected. He would need a totally different set of schools that meet full need.

Here is the thread you are referencing…but really it’s very different than this kid.