Next year= new application?

<p>Well, this just came in the student services portion of my high school's student newsletter. </p>

Are you applying to UW system campus next year? There is new information regarding the application process. Read further for more details.</p>

<p>New Application for Admission to UW Schools</p>

<li><p>Campus admissions officers have been working on a redesign of the UW system admission application for the last few years to assist admissions officers in their comprehensive review of the new freshman. The finished product is now ready so students applying to schools in the UW system next fall will be the first class to be using the revised application.</p></li>
<li><p>The online and paper copies of this new application will be accessible September 1. You should NOT, however, start working on the application in advance of this date. If you do, you will have to start the process again when the new application goes live on September 1.</p></li>
<li><p>One of the most notable areas of revision will be in the types of statements that students are asked to provide on the application. Previously, students were asked to write a personal statement in response to a very broad, open ended question. The new application will have questions that ask for more specific information. For example, studetns fill out the application will have to explain how the will to the diversity of the campus in addiction to discussing the top three activities they were involved with in high school and which one was the most significant.</p></li>
<li><p>According to college admission representatives, it will also reflect positively on the student if he/she can demonstrate they are knowledgable about the university to which they are applying.


<p>This kinda stinks! I wanted to get all my college application materials ready this summer so I could send them right away when the time came. We also wrote a personal statement in Language Arts this year, that I was planning on using, but it looks like I'll have to change that too. </p>

<p>I just wish we didn't have to wait until September 1 to know all of this for sure.</p>

<p>Thought I would type this up and let everyone else know, since I'm guessing there is some people in the same boat as me.</p>

<p>Thanks, Matterbug ... I know someone who will be applying.</p>

<p>Of course! </p>

<p>And because apparently my brain is fried from the APUSH exam and so my typing was horrid, here is that part over with a lot of spelling mistakes. (Edit doesn't work anymore).</p>

<p>"For example, students filling out the application will have to explain how they wil add to the diversity of the campus in addition to discussing the top three activities they were involved with in high school and which one was the most significant."</p>

<p>from a positive prospective, maybe it means that the students applying are stronger applicants and have become more qualified.</p>

<p>Relax. You have an idea of what to write about in early Sept, and Sept 15th is the first you can apply. Enjoy your summer.</p>