Next Year Senior Course Load What Do You Think

<p>AP Environmental Science
AP English Literature
AP English Language & Composition
AP Statistics
AP Gov/ Economics and Free Enterprise Honors
French III Dual Enrollment </p>

<p>This year I'm taking </p>

<p>AP Biology
AP Pyschology
AP US History
English Honors
Algebra II
French II</p>

<p>Also I Didn't take honors freshman and sophomore year for personal reasons do u think this would help me since I didn't take honors or aps.</p>

<p>If your HS offers them,</p>

<p>AP Chem or AP Physics will be considered more rigorous than AP ES
AP Calc will be considered more rigorous than AP Stats</p>

<p>My school offers chem but not physics. I more or a literary student with writing, history and science which are my strengths. I love science but I don’t plan to major in science of any form unless it’s environmental dealing with conservation of species. I’m not good at math at all and I didnt have the prerequisites for calucus I mean I can take trig pre cal honors. I didn’t take honors because i had too many commitments also I didn’t believe i was ready for them.</p>

<p>I’m trying to make up for freshman and sophomore year.</p>

<p>Take the chem. I’m a humanities guy, and I’ve never taken any sort of chem before (CP/H/community college) and I’m doing okay in AP Chem. On the other hand…not looking forward to that AP exam. -_-</p>

<p>the ap chem exam was miserable to take >_<</p>

<p>My thing is that I don’t plan to stress senior year also I till want to take aps and still be competitive in yale scea field next year. I might not apply scea but probably will. I like the ecological perpective of science Im taking the SAT II biology ecological version of the test. I know AP Satistics is the easier math than AP Calculus AB or BC but like I said I’m not good at math. Lastly I’m taking a AP English Language & Composition as an elective but it still counts as AP a credit on my GPA. Also im taking the regular AP English Literature as a regular English class needed for graduation. My race won’t affect my getting in but I’m African American.</p>

<p>I personally think your schedule is well balanced
i took on a lot of hard AP’s, and struggled a bit much with applications. I think its manageable, yet shows that you’re challenging yourself</p>




<p>Anyway, I’m not sure why you feel the need to double up on English classes. Isn’t there something else you could take?</p>

<p>Why are you taking both AP Eng Lang and AP Lit at the same time?</p>

<p>Might want to talk to GC. They are the ones that will rank how rigorous your schedule is relative to your peers.</p>

<p>I’m Taking 2 AP English Classes because i’m taking English III honors right now but they didn’t offer it my year, and its only an elective class. Our AP English was only for seniors at she taught both classes in one. I really English thats why i wanted to take before i eave high school. I could take CMAS which a class where you can record music or i could take advance theater. I mean i still want to have a rigorous course load well rank wont be in until after this year. Also about the rank, i talking about class rank wont be that high i got a 4.0 freshman and sophomore year without honors and aps, i had personal reasons why i will explain.</p>

<p>Uhh… if you’re a literary person, I suggest you brush up a tad on that grammar, haha.</p>

<p>Anyways, don’t stack your senior year with AP’s. That’s just kind of lame.</p>

<p>Far as Chem II goes, I hate it. I was pretty good in Chem I and Bio I and AP, but Chem II is terrible for me. For me, it’s learning a bajillion little equations and characteristics for a bajillion different scenarios.</p>

<p>Dunno, but you could also try for Journalism/ Creative Writing/ Publications or something if your school offers those. They’d be more in line with your literary leaning.</p>

<p>I type fast and i don’t check, unless its a paper i’m turning in or its an important email. Also i’m saying that my strength is in English, History and Science. The AP English Language and Composition will be my elective, taught by my English III Honors teacher right now. AP Statistics will be an easier math then calculus. I don’t plan to major in anything science, and i’m not putting that down on my application. I only take classes that i’m interested in. I run varsity track and i do plays and musicals. I plan to send recruitment information to Yale’s track coach after this season. I still want a rigorous course load and not pile my schedule with ******** classes. I want to double major in political science and theater or music, maybe a minor in English.</p>

<p>It looks like your mind is already made up but I will add to the chorus of people on this thread who think that you should drop the extra AP English and instead try to tackle a more rigorous AP. </p>

<p>You have not listed your freshman and sophomore year classes but have you taken any Chemistry or Physics? I would recommend:</p>

<p>AP English (Lit or Language)
AP Chemistry (if you’ve taken Chem before. Otherwise take Hon Chem).
AP Statistics (since you have an aversion to Math, you might as well take the math that is more immediately useful).
AP Gov (or preferably a more rigorous AP History like Euro or World).
French III</p>

<p>For extra credit, take Hon Physics.</p>

<p>It may be fewer APs but the schedule will look far more impressive.</p>

<p>AP English Language & Comp is only offered as an elective for seniors, and sophomores as a elective, for juniors its a class that can be used for graduation. This is a Pilot Year for this class eventually there wont be an English III honors just AP English Language & Comp. Also my favorite English teacher who teaches English III honors is teaching it. </p>

<p>AP English Literature is the class for seniors. Its taught by this woman
Dr. Holland and rarely get an A in her class, very rigorous. </p>

<p>I wanted to take both because i love writing and i want to improve a lot and this combo class would help me truly. </p>

<p>I Could Take CMAS a music recording/performance class or Advance Theater. Should i take a fun class, i don’t want to show Yale that i’m taking the easier way out. </p>

<p>I Could Take Honors Physics but i don’t know because i hate math, and physics is math. </p>

<p>AP Chemistry- I hated regular and i don’t want to be a doctor and i wouldnt be interested in the class.</p>

<p>AP Government/ Econ Honors is required no other history AP but AP US History, which i’m taking. Hes gives candy and ice cream on Fridays. </p>

<p>AP Statistics would be the best choice in math or i could take Trig/Pre-Cal honors. He also doesn’t check overwork and it a different kind of math. </p>

<p>AP Environmental Science i want to take because i’m interested in the topic, also if i did major in a science i would want to focus on it through ecological perceptive. </p>

<p>I need 3 years of French to go to an out of state college, also i’m going to do dual enrollment to get 8 credits. It will be my easier class because he curves test and doesn’t check homework. </p>

<p>I’m tying to show the admission committee i’m taking advantage of the curriculum. Showing them i’m challenging myself with harder classes.</p>