<p>Does Penn like students that are part of NHRP? (National Hispanic Recognition Program)</p>
<p>they hate it</p>
<p>Why is that?</p>
<p>Don't listen to Neobez.</p>
<p>I figured he was full of it, but I'm still curious if Penn subscribes to receive the CD of NHRP finalists or not =/</p>
<p>of course penn likes to see nhrp recognition on self-identified hispanic applicants (and national merit commended/semi/finalist, too, if applicable) - doesn't matter how they find out as long as they do, no?</p>
<p>to be sure, just contact the admission office.</p>
<p>I got deferred and then rejected even though I got NHRP. Penn sucks. Every other place accepted me and I'm going to CORNELL</p>
<p>Well my counselor told me that I did qualify, but somehow they lost the materials sent to them by CB so the collegeboard had to resend the stuff... I just hope my counselors don't screw up and are able to send out my info on time!</p>
<p>Well dulce, I disagree with you about Penn sucking, but it's the main school I wanna go to so it's worth a shot... I'll be fine if I get rejected though</p>
<p>dulce is from a privileged background. he is half hispanic and i think one of his parents is a penn alumni.
penn (and other ivies) are really looking at underprivileged hispanics who are outstanding academically, athletically for their situation. if you go look at dulce's stats, you will see that they are average for penn...nothing really outstanding. he maybe hispanic, but he is also the kid of a penn alum. Why should they really apply affirmative action for him? For his situation, he could have done a whole bunch better.</p>
<p>Yeah, but I'm in the top group of my graduating class. My school does NOT rank but at graduation they induct the top 20% into the honor society. I made it!
Penn sucks.</p>
<p>But don't feel bad about Penn's response. Last year Penn rejected 81% of the applicants ranked in the top 5% of their class, 90% of the applicants ranked in the second 5% of their class, and 95% of the appicants ranked in the second 10% of their class:</p>
<p>This year, with 2,000+ more applicants, it was even more selective.</p>
<p>I don't even know my chances know, I did bad on Math II I think >_></p>
<p>Oh well, at least it helps that I'm number 4 out of ~700 kids?</p>