<p>Often, it’s the GCs of kids who want them to participate. At least the one time I knew somebody who did something like this, he was asked by his GC. The NY Times had contacted that GC and he had agreed to supply a student who met certain criteria. GC then asked the person I know to do it.Especially if you attend a private high school and your GC asks you to do something like this, it’s hard to say no to the person who will be writing your rec.</p>
<p>Telluride is free. It’s a tough admit and a very prestigious program and the kids I’ve known who did it enjoyed it.</p>
<p>Yes, but NYT didn’t force him to do that “assignment.” He chose to blog about his admissions process and to report the colleges he got accepted to. With likely letters from so many top universities, he must have known from the beginning that he would get accepted to at least one highly selective school.</p>
By agreeing to do the blog I think he has to report all his acceptances and rejections. All the bloggers do, and most aren’t applying to ivies. Plus, the blog begins at the beginning of the application process, so when he started blogging he had no likely letters or acceptances.</p>
<p>Good for him. He sounds grateful and excited, not entitled. And I’m sure it is a tough choice to make. I wish him well. And hope that he doesn’t read CC.</p>
<p>Why would this kid care one bit what people post on here? Besides, most of the posts on here are complimentary. This kid wants to make films so I suspect he should get used to critics anyway. I see no major downside. A few days from now this thread will be buried and nobody will care or even remember it.</p>
<p>Bovertine, congrats in missing the point I made. </p>
<p>And, fwiw, news travels a lot farther than CClandia. The reactions to this type of accounts remain predictable. Hence, my position that making any part of your application public is bound to backfire. And for what? A fleeting moment of glory and a bit of ego flattering.</p>
<p>If you see a silver lining in exposing yourself to the scrutiny of many … Power to you.</p>
<p>Hmmmm. Not sure why people are so critical. He was asked to contribute to an ongoing blog for a reputable news source. Many people I know read The Choice regularly, gaining some insight into the process as well as rooting for the students, as we would hope people would root for our kids.</p>
<p>There’s really no reason for people to criticize him. He hasn’t done anything. He’s just completing an assignment. The kid can’t help it if he’s an Ivy’s dream child. I wish my kid was that lucky.</p>
<p>I love reading about all the kids on The Choice blog. There is a young woman who chose her state school as a pre-vet emphasis and laments about how her classmates don’t understand why it is a better choice than going into debt. There was a great young woman last year that did not qualify for federal aid due to immigration status that ended up at Brown or Yale, as well as a kids that have to decide between Mills and Knox. They write the entire year, so the students discuss their feelings on the applicaiton process, the reactions of friends and family, the reality when acceptances are in, as well as financial aid packages. I root for these kids like I do my own and friends. </p>
<p>“I read it and wondered what does this kid have that every ivy wants him so bad?” He won’t be applying for financial aid,and is from a less common part of the US . It’s what we DON’T know about him that would probably be interesting to find out !</p>
<p>How do we know he won’t need FA? Is that in the blog? Just because someone goes to a private school doesn’t mean they are rich. They could have a scholarship.</p>
<p>GA … really? This school is located just outside Atlanta city limits, for those from the area it is ITP, inside the perimeter ( I285 ). I think Atlanta is a pretty well known city!</p>
<p>Yes, Mizzbee, I printed out the girls’ column about choosing her in-state public over a more-elite school (I work in college advising) because she has an 8-year college and grad school plan. Today’s “The Choice” blog features a student talking about how to make a decision after April 1–this student has many choices, none of which are Ivies. There have been a variety of students and colleges featured. Hey, if my S had the opportunity to contribute to this blog, I would have told him to go for it!</p>