NJ Governor School 2008

<p>Should we get admission letters by April?</p>

<p>For the Sciences, it says on the websites that final notification will be done by e-mail, with no specific date chosen as of yet.
I'm guessing it's April? Ha, dunno.</p>

<p>what about like international studies?</p>

<p>for those who have applied in the past, do you only get a reply if you get accepted or do you get one either way? Also has anyone who applied to public issues heard anything yet?</p>

<p>I appled to public issues, but haven't heard anything.</p>

<p>Dear Visual Arts Applicant:</p>

<p>I emailed the following to you on February 8 but it was bounced back to me. I have corrected your email address on my database to the one I am sending it to now. Please just reply to this email so I know you received it. Please just email me your name and "received." Thank you.</p>

<p>Here is the email from February 8:</p>

<p>February 8, 2008</p>

<p>Dear Visual Arts Applicant:</p>

<p>There will NOT be a final audition for Visual Arts applicants on Saturday, March 29, 2008 due to budgetary constraints. This date was stated on the application. Instead all Visual Arts applications will be judged by the application, supporting materials (essays and letters of recommendation) and the CD/slides that were already submitted.</p>

<p>All Visual Arts applicants will receive an email, not a letter, at the beginning of April informing them if they have or have not been selected for the summer program. Please email (at this email address) or call the Governor’s School of the Arts office if you have not received an email by</p>

<p>April 10, 2008.</p>

<p>The above information, concerning the fact that there is no final audition on March 29th, applies only to the Visual Arts division applicants and the Dance division applicants, who have already been notified.</p>

<p>IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to budget limitations the summer program will be reduced to nine days. The dates of the summer program are Saturday, June 28, 2008 through Sunday, July 6, 2008.</p>


<p>William Trigg</p>


<p>SO everyone should recieve an acceptance/rejection letter by April 10th?</p>

<p>Not sure if April 10th applies to all schools or just the arts. The website has not been updated, it still shows the audition date for March 29th.</p>

<p>This is online now at Rutgers Engineering & Technology gov school site: "Admissions decisions will be sent via email and mailed via postal mail to your home address on APRIL 10th, 2008. All applicants will hear from us (yes/no/waitlist) by email AND by postal mail. Admissions emails will not be sent until after the end of the school day-- don't waste time during your classes checking! Postal letters will be postmarked on April 10th, so you will not receive them for a few days."</p>

<p>Governor’s School of Public Issues and the Future of New Jersey (GSPI) will be accepting sixty (60) scholars this year and will run for two (2) weeks from July 6 to July 19. Applicants are expected to be notified of their status by April 15, 2008. Scholars can expect to participate in many activities including interaction with 59 other scholars with similar interests, guest speakers, and field trips.</p>

<p>Rec'd 3/31/08
There has been a change in the date that all Visual Arts applicants will be notified of the results of the application process. ALL Visual Arts applicants will be sent EMAILS on Thursday, April 10, 2008. The emails will be sent from the following email address: <a href="mailto:srothste@tcnj.edu">srothste@tcnj.edu</a>. Please check your spam or junk for this email in case it goes into those folders. </p>

<p>If you have not received an email by Monday, April 14, 2008, please call the Governor’s School of the Arts office at (609) 771-3114 and listen to the directions. Thank you.</p>

<p>Would it be a serious problem to miss a week of governor's school in lieu of some other commitment, such as that of a national business organization?</p>

<p>^^^^Well, because most of the governor's school programs will only last about two weeks, I'm not sure.</p>

<p>They kinda say that you can't go if you have to miss anything.
I dunno, maybe you can ask them.</p>

<p>I wasn't gonna be able to go until they shortened the programs.
Good luck, anywhoo! (:</p>

<p>This got blown away to the ends of time. =/</p>

<p>Let's rebump. lol</p>

<p>So did anyone apply for international studies?? Do you know when we'll get acceptance letters?</p>

<p>An app went out from this house. The waiting is crazy. Can you imagine waiting all this time, long past when you could still apply for some other summer programs, and then get turned down? At our HS, they threatened students with dismemberment if they applied, got accepted, and then did not attend.</p>

<p>Anybody knows how many people in NJ have applied for Visual art?</p>

<p>I know they accept only 13 people. so.......its competitive</p>

<p>anyone here apply for environmental studies?</p>

<p>Hooray, I got into the school of sciences.</p>

<p>When did you hear?</p>

<p>Have a great time!</p>