<p>does anyone know how this works??? if i get sent to state level, am i most likely in? or is it still a crap shoot</p>
<p>BUMP... plz?</p>
<p>no one knows??? i'm desparate... and if u didn't get an email, is that a bad sign? *my friend didn't get one when i did</p>
<p>Well, first your H.S. has to have selected you for a particular Gov.Sch. program. Obviously that is the case. Next, your H.S. will submit all of the finalists from your H.S. to the Gov.Sch. program, and your resume/stats/qualifications will be compared with all other applicants from all other NJ schools who are finalists in the same program, (e.g.Environmental Science), and the final selection is made. Whether you make it or not depends on how you compare. It's hard to say what the chances are without knowing more about you.......and even then........only the very best of all high school juniors apply.
Good luck. You should find out in March. Try not to think about it too much.</p>
<p>depends on what school... GSS sends the emails the earliest... others still no news</p>
<p>yea, i already got my email for school of science that i'm a state finalist, but were all emails sent already? because i have a friend with better stats than mine... and she didn't get an email</p>
<p>oh and what would happen if i decide i didn't want to go?</p>
<p>That would be awful, as your H.S. selected you over other applicants.</p>
<p>I didnt get an email for engineering, neither did my friend for environmental and I dont want to sound stuck up but we are both overqualified. There is hope.</p>
<p>well, i probably will end up going, just i'm really indecisive, and yea stevezilla i don't get it... i am way underqualified 206 psat and my rank is like 20/450 where as my peer who had a 212 psat and 2/450 ranking didn't get an email, that's messed up... oh right and my essay made me sound like some kind of loner freak</p>
<p>I went to engineering last year, and they never send e-mails. In fact, because my county didn't notify anyone that moved on, I did not hear anything until I was notified by the state in April or May.</p>
<p>that sucks</p>
<p>... Yea, I haven't had any news on whether or not I was chosen as a state finalist, so I hope it isn't any sort of indication. BTW, I applied for the sciences, 236 PSAT, two SAT II 800s, AP Scholar, and 2/314 in rank.</p>
<p>oh man, u kill me... how'd u get AP scholar already??? but my stats are 206 psat, 800+740+690 sat II's, not quite yet a ap scholar, will be this year hopefully, have 2 5's tho, and 24/450 in rank</p>
<p>I applied to engineering. SAT II physics: 800, PSAT: 71V 80M 66W... Ap Scholar, Physics C: mechanics 5, electricity 4, Calc AB 5. rank 8/712. Lavender, youre pretty impressive....</p>
<p>we only need 3 5's??? oh man, i'll be scholar with distinction after this year then... good luck to both of you..</p>
<p>you guys should feel lucky...some of our states don't have governor's schools</p>
<p>ohio doesn't have one? wow, and i thought jersey sucked</p>
<p>lol neither does california</p>
<p>jersey doesnt suck! i love living in jersey, besides our dirty beaches, smoggy cities like newark, and our ghettos like paterson.</p>