NJ GSET-2023! Results will be out "by" 4/13?

Has anyone got the results of GSET 2023 admissions in NJ yet?

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My daughter got accepted today.

email came around 7:30AM

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That’s awesome! Congratulations to her. My son got wait listed.

DS got waitlisted as well. Normally, our school would have at least one getting in NJGS, this year two were waitlisted and no one gets in yet.

@Meowmeowmi - All the best to your DS. I have no idea on what might be the chances that any of the WL kids will get in. I think in last few years due to remote program they took more kids and this year & last year with in-person maybe they reduced the number of admissions?

@Meowmeowmi - were the 2 waitlisted position in your school for GSET or also for the school of sciences? Our school had 1 nominee for GSET & one for sciences. Also, if you don’t mind me asking which county is your school in?

Our school nominated one student for each program. I think you should be able to do so. We are from Bergen county. My kid got into Science, don’t know whether the NJGSET kid got it or not.

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@Summer_Pak - congratulations to your kid & all the best!

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I got waitlisted too. I was the only one from my school. Not sure how many WL kids get in but I had my heart set on going did not apply for any summer programs…I have to start looking for some program now.

@Summer_Pak - by when do your daughter have to respond/accept her position?

@Premier28 - Sorry to hear but as my son would say its better than being rejected. You are already the nominee from your school which means that you have a competitive profile so congrats to you! & Yes, look around for other things to do this summer while you wait.

They have to accept by April 20th which is why I am not sure why they have asked us (WL) to wait till May 15th. I would imagine if we have openings they would know off them by April 21st.

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End of this week, April 21th, this is for Science program tho. I found out yesterday the boy from my kid’s school nominated for GSET also got in. He also got in BU RISE and Simmons research one, he is debating which program to attend – means there is possibility of extra space. I hope you kid get off the waitlist!!! Best of luck!

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@Summer_Pak - Thanks a lot for the date. & I appreciate the insight on the other nominee…he seems like a star candidate. Good for him!

@Premier28 - I think some programs like MIT BWSI release their results by May 1st so some kids might change their minds in May too. Also, it gives GSET enough time to adjust their class and some buffer.

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DS corrected me. He said all 3 who applied to GSET are waitlisted. We have another 3 nominees who applied for GSS. We are in Middlesex County. Will see what happen to GSS results this week. It will be a big blast if all 6 students can’t get in this year.

Thanks @Meowmeowmi - based on responses here, GSS results also came out last week so I think that your GSS nominees should have the results by now. Also 3 nominees mean that your school must have more than 900 kids in the junior class…WOW!

@Meowmeowmi 3 nominees? WOW, how many students are there in your school?! GSS came out last Friday, a day after GSET.

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Yea. Our school houses approx. 800-900 ish student each grade. DS said he didn’t hear anything about GSS. So I thought GSS was releasing this week :sweat_smile:

Did anybody from waitlist get in as yet?