NJIT admission 2023

Did anyone hear back from NJIT? It says 2-3weeks in the website but it has been almost 2 months since my DD submitted her application. Also did anyone hear back about BS/MD interviews? Waiting is a pain

Two to three weeks from Nov 15th early action deadline


Submitted early Oct and still waiting.

Anyone heard back yet? What does the application portal say for those of you who applied? We see no status now. Earlier it used to show awaiting decision.

No updates yet. Portal still shows awaiting decision

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Awaiting decision doesn’t show up now but there is no other status too.

Submitted end of September. Portal showing awaiting decision here.

Mine doesn’t say awaiting decision anymore.

Same for my son. But doesn’t say anything else.

From what I heard from some previous year posts if there is nothing displayed in the portal you can expect a decision soon

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now mine says “Application Status: Decided - please come back in 48 hours to view your admission decision. Thank you.


Same for my son.

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Application updated also to Decided-come back in 48 hours…

When did you apply

I applied on november 10th!

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Wow. Super quick. Some applied in October and they have not updated decision. Good luck to you.

Applied Oct 6
completed application email was received on 10/16.
Status changed to decided come back after 48 hrs today 11/28

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i got an email 4 hrs ago saying that a decision update is on my portal, but it still says “come back in 48 hours”

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My son got an email too but he says it still says come back in 48 hours

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Keep us posted once you have an update and also if merit comes along with the decision