NMF Dinner

<p>Would love to hear from other NMF who attended the dinner last year as to what they wore. It says business attire…Does that mean skirt/pants, blouse and jacket or would a nice black dress work as well? Thanks! (I wish DD didn’t dislike shopping so much!! UGH)</p>

<p>My son is a NMF upcoming Freshman. We haven’t received anything about an upcoming dinner. Did you receive something in the mail?</p>

<p>DS got his invite to the dinner today so maybe your is just behind in the mail. Our invite leads us to a different question. The dinner which says it is required is the same time as a mandatory Million Dollar Band practice. Anyone dealt with this before and know what to do?</p>

<p>DS is going to email both areas but thought I would ask here just in case.</p>

<p>My D in Ohio got the invitation about the dinner today. Do you think that they will provide transportation? It would be a very hot walk to Bryant Denny Stadium, especially in business attire. Does anyone know how to figure out if the campus bus is running on Sunday the 19th at 5:30 if transportation is not provided?</p>

<p>there will be sorority girls walking all over campus that week dressed in various dressy clothes. i think the NMFs can manage to get themselves to the stadium.</p>

<p>If I am reading the routes correctly, it does not look like there is a bus on Sundays at 5:30. </p>

<p><a href=“http://crimsonride.ua.edu/images/maps/2012-2013%20handout.pdf[/url]”>http://crimsonride.ua.edu/images/maps/2012-2013%20handout.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Mike, I wasn’t saying that my D was a pampered princess and should be taken by limo to the stadium. Maybe others will give advice on how to stay cool while walking across campus in business attire so you don’t look like a sweaty mess upon arrival. If D could wear a sundress there’d be less of a problem. And truthfully, it is me asking this and not her. She’d think nothing of hiking across campus and I guess I shouldn’t have asked about it here since NMF seems to be a touchy topic.</p>

<p>sorry linnylu - i know that probably came off as snippy. i have nothing against NMFs.</p>

<p>maybe i need to step away from the board for a while. </p>

<p>all the CC children are smart and capable and can figure things out themselves. i promise!</p>

<p>“probably came off as snippy” ??? You mean you didn’t intend it that way when you wrote it? I just don’t understand the anti-NMF stance that some here have adopted in the last few months. You say you have nothing against NMFs, but your reply didn’t address any of the questions or concerns, nor did it add anything to the conversation.
For the life of me, I can’t figure this out.
Why the animosity? The questions were perfectly valid questions and deserve the same attention and respect as any other question asked here.
I’ve stopped even mentioning NMF since the infamous scholarship thread.
Sorry… I just had to say something because this bothers me. We keep reading about how UA is one big happy family, but some here don’t make it feel that way if a certain subject comes up.
I know your reply was probably a knee-jerk reaction, but those are usually indicative of underlying ill feelings that need to be addressed. While I can’t apologize for any of the other NMF parents who may have rubbed any of you wrong in the past, I certainly apologize if I have ever contributed to those ill feelings.
I’ve gained a wealth of knowledge here. I would just like it to feel as if we’re not on different sides. :)</p>



<p>Aloha FortunateDad (love your screen name). </p>

<p>My son is a NMF. I know MikeWozowski personally. She has nothing against NMFs and she doesn’t suffer from underlying ill feelings that need to be addressed. She was snippy, said sorry, and that’s all there is to it. </p>

<p>I thought Mike added something to the conversation: her opinion, which seems to be (correct me if I’m wrong, Mike), “let the kids figure some stuff out for themselves.” Everyone is free to agree or disagree with that position.</p>

<p>As I mentioned in the infamous scholarship thread, please don’t confuse a few spats (or even venom) among a handful of anonymous posters on an Internet forum as being reflective of the atmosphere at a university with 30K+ students. If someone on CC is anti-NMF I couldn’t care less. What I do care about is the fact that my son, entering his 3rd year at 'Bama, remains over the moon about UA and can’t wait to depart Hawaii, of all places, so he can get back to the life and people he loves in Tuscaloosa.</p>

<p>Hey, even big happy families bump heads from time to time, right? </p>

<p>Roll Tide, y’all. Beat Michigan!</p>

<p>Hey malanai! I received a nice PM from Mike and we shared a couple of other notes. We’re all good. :slight_smile:
I’m all for letting the kids figure stuff out for themselves. That’s a huge part of what the college experience is about.
Rest assured, DD is extremely excited about moving in this Saturday. She’s ready to get this show on the road.
Our Pastor in church is originally from Michigan and has already started the trash talk. He’s a bit outnumbered in our Nashville area church. I think he knows Michigan is ‘going down’, but he’s gotta stay true. It’s so sad. :wink:

<p>^^^There you go, a happy family again, lol. Glad you and Mike sorted it out.</p>

<p>Your pastor, on the other hand, may be beyond help. But we can all be charitable and allow him his trash talk, for that’s all the poor weasels and their hapless fans have at this point. Too bad, so sad. :(</p>

<p>Roll Tide.</p>

<p>So, back to the original question - Is there anyone who has attended the NMF dinner in the past and can elaborate on the definition of “business attire?” Thank you.</p>

<p>I might be wrong but I think they may not have done this before- I am NMF and don’t remember any dinner, but it’s possible I missed the invitation or something. If I had to guess based on other events with the honors college, I would say you probably can’t go wrong with a dress, that is what the girls usually wear for those events. I don’t think it necessarily needs to be black, solid color dresses in that light chiffon-y material would work fine too and are pretty popular, plus they wouldn’t be as hot walking (if you need an idea, check the Ellie Crimson FB page, they have a lot of them in stock right now that are really cute). Flats would probably be fine, or she could always bring her heels in her bag and change once she arrives. As far as getting to the stadium- honestly, if it is as hot as it was last year, it can be a real pain walking down there from the ridgecrest area with the humidity (I hated that about recruitment events, made me wish I was a LOT closer!) so I would try to drive or get a ride from somebody if possible. If she has to walk, just bring a brush and things like that in her bag and she can fix herself up in the bathroom before she gets there if she really needs to.</p>

<p>I mentioned this NMF dinner to D last night & she said the only NMF event they had her year (2010) was when they picked up their laptops. So I think it’s new.</p>

<p>For those of you going: network with your NMF peers of the same gender for ease in finding roommates later on in your UA career :)</p>

<p>Son just moves in the day before the dinner (no AA or OA) and might not have any roommates invited (not sure) so might be walking himself. How long of a walk from Riverside to the Bryant Denny stadium so he can make sure he is there on time? He has only visited the campus twice for a tour and for orientation so please figure in “not knowing how to get somewhere” time if possible. Also I am guessing “Business Attire” for a guy would mean black pants, dress shirt, tie and dress shoes…does this sound correct? Thanks for any help.</p>

<p>My son is not a NMF but I am a personal stylist in Chicago and I have dressed many business people over the years. </p>

<p>Business attire for a male would be a suit and tie (doesn’t have to be black) or dress pants and a jacket with tie (khaki pants, navy blazer, shirt and tie would be fine).</p>

<p>Business attire for a female would be a skirt or pants with a jacket, or a dress (not a cocktail dress). </p>

<p>Over the last decade the definition of business attire has become a little cloudy because some industries have changed their definition of what’s appropriate business wear. However, in most situations, especially interviews, what is listed above is still the norm.</p>

<p>this is the first I’ve heard about an NMF dinner, so it might be new. </p>

<p>It’s likely to be hot that day, so walking in dress attire will be difficult. It will likely take 20-25 minutes to walk.</p>

<p>It would be nice if the Honors College arranged for some of those 348-Ride vans to be at some designated spots by the honors halls to pick these kids up and return them later. It will be hot, and walking in dressy clothes/shoes won’t be fun. </p>

<p>Is there a name on this invite? </p>

<p>If I were a current NMF parent, I would pop an email to Dr. Sharpe with the idea of arranging 348-Ride vans for transportation from Honors Halls considering the request for nice attire.</p>

<p>^^^^ This sounds like very good advice. We have not heard of this until now and also have not received a letter yet, but DD is taking some more dressy attire anyway for other occasions.</p>

<p>BamaPearl, I don’t remember the Dinner Thing either. But then, my son has a tendency to skip that sort of thing unless it’s absolutely mandatory.</p>